Democracy And Islamic Sect/Boko Haram In Nigeria ( A Case Study Of Goodluck Jonathan Regime)
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Democracy And Islamic Sect/Boko Haram In Nigeria ( A Case Study Of Goodluck Jonathan Regime)
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Democracy And Islamic Sect/Boko Haram In Nigeria ( A Case Study Of Goodluck Jonathan Regime)



Democracy is always seen as an indispensable feature of any nation. The idea that the practice of true democracy is very pivotal for the survival and progress of every nation of that would Nigerian is not an exception. Thus, Nwabueze (1991:20) succinctly describes democracy as “A form of government which recognizes and institutionalizes the people as fountain of power and enables them by the means election at frequent intervals on universal adult franchise to choose and mandate those to govern a form of government in which the public good or welfare of the people is the object”. Lamentably, however, democracy in an underdeveloped nations like Nigeria is an irony comparing it to the above definition of democracy.


True democracy should be people oriented without being coarsed in any way. In Nigeria, ethnicism and religion has distorted democracy, disorganized the whole political system and has finally made Nigerian nation a laughing stock in the community of nations. This is because people are busy fighting ethnic/religious crises and don’t even know the meaning of democracy let alone the practicing of true democracy. Moreso, the research work is purely centered an democracy and Islamic sect (bokoharam) with special reference to President Goodluck Jonathan regime. To efficiently carry out the research, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data collection. The primary source were oral interview on the masses about the regime of president Goodluck Jonathan, the questionnaire was also formulated to solicit information from the respondents which also acted as primary source of information, whereas the library materials, magazines, newspaper and internets materials acted as secondary sources of information. The researcher also formulated research questions that acted as guide to the study. The data generated from the questionnaire responses was presented and also analyzed using the questionnaire responses.


However, the findings of the study reveals that Nigeria is not practicing true democracy i.e. they don’t even understand the meaning of democracy, let alone the practice of it. The members of the political class are very very corrupt. The citizens are not given the chance to exercise their fundamental human rights. There is high rate of insecurity of lives and properties in Nigeria especially in the regime of President Goodluck Jonathan regime. And report shows that the political class especially Buhari that wanted to be the president of the so called democratic nation but lost it to Goodluck vowed that he will make Nigeria ungovernable for Goodluck Jonathan. It was believed that Buhari, IBB, Atiku and other northern Bourgeois of this nation are the brain behind bokoharam attack to the regime of President Goodluck Jonathan that is why the bokoharam say that if they will come for negotiation, that Buhari most be there. As a result of the above findings, it was recommended that government should engage the group in a dialogue, and inaugurate programmes that would address issues, equally government should deal decisively with anybody sponsoring bokoharam activities in Nigeria.





  1. Introduction                                                     1

1.1   Background of the study                                  2

1.2   Statement of the problem                        3

1.3   Purpose of the study                                        8

1.4   Significance of the study                                  9

1.5   Research questions                                          10

1.6   Scope of the study                                           11

1.7   Limitation of the study                                     11

1.8   Definition of the terms                                     11


2.1   Literature Review                                             13

2.2   Problems of democracy government in Nigeria 19

2.3   Boko haram history in Nigeria                         21

2.4   Boko haram attack in Nigeria                          23

2.5   Views of other people on Boko haram              26   

2.6   Comparing Nigeria democracy and boko haram       32

2.7   Consequences of boko haram to national        development                                                    34

2.8   Summary of literature review                          37

2.9   Gap in literature                                              38



3.0   Research Methodology                                     39

3.1   Brief outline of the study                                 39

3.2   Design of the study                                          40

3.3   Area of the study                                              40

3.4   Population of the study                                    40

3.5   Sample of the study                                         41

3.6   Instrument for data collection                  41

3.7   Validation of the instrument                            42

3.8   Distribution and Retrieval of instrument         42

3.7   Method of data analysis                                   43



4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                       44

4.1   Findings of the study                                       65



5.0   Summary Conclusion and Recommendation   69

5.1   Summary of findings                                       69

5.2   Conclusion                                                      70

5.2   Recommendations                                           71

References                                                       74

Appendix                                                                 76

Questionnaire                                                  77




The concept of political Islam in our own terminology connotes an islamic state where politics and islamic religion are rarely separated, but rather intermingle to create the impression that both politics and Islam are inseparable. The urisdiction of the state is not limited only to religion and poitics in islamic state, it covers all aspects of human activities. This position was aptly represented in the words of Auda as cited by Olagunju (1993:46). By principle of Islam, it meant those doctrines and theories inscribed into the Qur’an and established by the prophet... The whole of these doctrines and theories is called the islamic jurisprudence which is the totality of principles of divine unity, faith, worships, rituals, personal status, crimes, civil transactions, administration, politics and all other objectives and trade Inextricably linked with the concept of Islam is the concept of Sharia which is regarded as the legal priscriptions of the religion of Islam as laid down in the Quran, the Sunna and other sources.


Muslims regard Sharia as integral part of their religion, which covers every aspects of their lives, including the civil and the criminal aspects. In Nigeria, it is ironical that democracy, which should be the channel for reducing the problem of competition for resources, through the provision of basic facilities, has instead created a situation of poverty. Out of hopelessness, the Nigerian masses have resorted to threatening the nation‟s security by killing innocent citizens. Against the backdrop of the foregoing discussion, the Boko Haram has come to violently co-exist with the people as a consequence of the political confusion in the country that is caused by competition among the political class. It is obvious that antagonism between the big Whigs in the ranks of the People‟s Democratic Party (PDP) provides a potent source of insecurity in Nigeria, including the one posed by the activities of Boko Haram.


 Democracy and Islamic sect/Boko Haram in Nigeria. This study on democracy and Islamic sect in Nigeria is geared towards bringing to light the menace of Islamic sect/Boko haram on Nigeria democracy. However, following the president Goodluck Jonathan regime, Nigeria have witnessed several dis-harmony on its socio-polity as a result of the problems posed by Boko haram which is an Islamic militant group based in the north which forbid western education and seeks the imposition of Sharia law in the country. Therefore, Boko haram has done more harms than good to democracy in Nigeria because of its negative attributes which makes Nigeria an undemocratic nation.



        This research work is centered on democracy and religious sect/ Boko haram in Nigeria with a particular reference to Goodluck Jonathan Regime.

        Democracy is a global maiden which every nation woos. It is a system of government based on popular consent. Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa has no choice then to align itself with the rest of the world on the democratic crave.

        However, Nigeria has not been so lucky to be democratized. It has had long tortured history of dancing around democracy but has make gotten it right. This is largely due to some challenges it has suffered since its inspection which includes lack of large scale free and fair election, refusal to accept defeat in electrons by political gladiators, corruption, inobservance of rule of law, lack of freedom of speech and publication and that of freedom of worship which have been a threat to national peace and development by some religious sect.  Boko Haram is a controversial Nigerian militant Islamist group that seeks the imposition of Sharia law on the northern states of Nigeria. Equally, it is an Islamic group that forbids western education. It is a religious militant group base in the north and seek to establish Sharia law in the country, this have badly effected the socio-economic development in the country and have effected the democracy in the country.    



        The idea that the Islamic religion with its militant group Boko haram has been a threat to Nigerians and the world at large is very very true. Since Buhari lost as the presidential aspirant to Goodluck Jonathan, himself (Buhari) Atiku and other top politicians in the northern part of the country felt that their assured right which is leadership of this country/Aso rock has been taken or snatched from them unannounced. They (northern politicians) like a child that has been weaned by the mother is trying to use any gimmick to get Aso Rock back in their laps. That is why they vowed to give Goodluck Jonathan headache by making the masses (electorates) that voted him in hate him as they (the northern politicians) are using different tactics to fight Goodluck and the poor Nigerians masses that exercise their franchise. Boko Haram has seriously undermined democracy in this country. Simply put, Boko haram has shown that Nigeria is very far from democracy that they have been clamouring for some years. How can we (Nigeria) claim to be a democratic nation when there are insecurity of lives and properties of the populace. How can Nigerian claim to be democratic nation when the so called old politicians/political aspirants decided to commit such deadly plan of sponsoring killers in the name of Islamic sect Boko haram to kill the very people he has planned to rule/head.


        Recently, there is plan to have political talk with Boko haram sect. One wonders if the only way to get the attention of the leadership is through killing people, wasting and destroying our mearged resources.

        Boko haram and insecurity it posed to this nation has publicly proved that Nigerian can never be one as they claim to be and that Nigeria is very far from practicing true democracy.  The truth is that Boko haram are not spirits, they are not the poor class or illiterates, rather they are the unhappy politicians from the north who is sponsoring killers to kill the masses for voting candidates of their choice. Boko haram is corruption personified, it is only corruption that would make human being that is supposed to be a leader by example to turn and waste the destines of people for no reason.          


        Boko haram with its twin brother ethnicity has posed a serious question to our democracy. Boko haram (Islamic religion) is posing a challenge to democracy in Nigeria and more especially to the integrity of the northern politicians. Boko haram has demotivated Nigerian masses. The masses has lost hope in the leadership since blood is being shed every day and our law makers are not saying anything about it instead the leadership especially northern politicians are busy sponsoring that the killers should be praised by Boko haram having talk with the government on how they (the killer Boko haram) should be rewarded.

        Boko haram has also proved that the judiciary is no longer the last hope of common man. Boko haram has shown that Nigeria doesn’t have law makers, judiciary, and executive. If the security agents in Nigeria understand that they are being paid for their job, why haven’t they discovered any leaders, sponsors, and supporter of Boko haram sect and deal with them as killing illiterate alimagiris would do nothing to curb the problem.

        The conclusion is that the leadership of this nation is very corrupt and the masses is only trusting of God for the protection of their lives and properties and the judgement of the blood of the poor masses the leadership of this nation has shade because of corruption or greediness.



        This project work intents to achieve the following purposes: -

  1. To examine critically democracy and problems of democracy.
  2. To examine Boko haram and its consequences to democracy in Nigeria.
  3. Asses Boko haram major attacks on Nigeria.
  4. Consequences of Boko haram activities to National development.
  5. To make a recommendation that will help to sustain democratic rule in Nigeria.


        This research work would be of great benefit to the leadership to the country. It will serve as an appraisal to the leadership of this country.

        Moreso, this work would be of great benefit to the northern politicians that are seriously preparing to come out in 2015 election because they will be able to know peoples view of their illicit behaviour. As the northern political aspirants are killing people to rule wood.

        They will also learn that it is only wood and goats that they spared will vote them. God in heaven and any human being in Nigeria has learnt that after shading blood to rule, they will continue to kill when they are in office.

        However, the research work will try to revive Nigeria as they will learn that they are still very far from practicing democracy.

        The work will also serve as a reference point to future researchers.



  1. Is Boko haram a threat to the whole country?
  2. To what extent has Boko haram a threat to the regime of Goodluck Jonathan?
  3. Did Atiku, Buhari and their acolytes vow to disturb the regime of Goodluck Jonathan?
  4. To what extent has Boko haram undermined Nigeria democracy?
  5. Is corruption a bane to Nigeria democracy?




        This work covers democracy and religious sect in Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan regime.



        This work is affected as a result of limited time and finance at the researcher’s disposal.


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