Effect Of Visual Aid In Teaching Economicsin Secondary Schools In Nsukka
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Effect Of Visual Aid In Teaching Economicsin Secondary Schools In Nsukka
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Given the tremendous global development in information communication technology, the use of visual aid in education is becoming indispensable. Nigeria cannot afford to be left behind in this development. Computer Concept Mapping (CCM) is a way of employing visual aid in education to aid learning. CCM is a visual representation of knowledge by showing the relationship(s) between concepts and ideas using computer software. It is a student-centred learning approach that employs computer software in knowledge construction which can help foster students’ academic achievement. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to investigate the effect of visual aid on students’ academic achievement in Economics. Three research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design. The sample consisted of 198 SS2 Economics students in Nsukka Education Zone, Enugu state. Economics Achievement Test (EAT) was used for data collection. A reliability index of 0.81 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson K-R20 which guaranteed the use of the instrument for the study. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for answering the research questions while ANCOVA was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that visual aid improved students’ academic achievement in Economics. The findings also showed that visual aid is gender insensitive on students’ achievement in Economics. It is recommended among others that teachers should incorporate visual aid such as CCM in their teaching to help enhance students’ achievement in Economics and that government, communities, corporate agencies and other well meaning individuals should help provide an enabling learning environment that supports and promotes visual aided learning. The study concluded that if visual aid such as CCM would be used in the teaching and learning of Economics in secondary schools, students’ achievement would be enhanced for national development.













Background of the Study

Economics has been defined by different people in different ways. Economics is the study of ways of making choices and allocating scarce resources to satisfy human wants. It is the study of how people and societies make decisions; allocate and manage scarce resources to achieve their needs. In this view, Hall, (2013) defined Economics as the study of how individuals, firms and whole societies identify their most important needs, allocate and manage scarce resources in such a way that satisfies as many needs as possible. Since resources are scarce while human wants are insatiable, Economics deals with the study of how people utilize scarce resources in face of unlimited wants.

Economics is the study of human attitudes towards satisfying their needs. Economics is concerned with human behaviour such as how people earn their living and make choices between alternatives to satisfy their wants; it focuses on the study of firms and the government whose activities are geared towards the production of goods and services for the satisfaction of human want (Yusuf, 2012). Economics could then be seen as the study of human activities dealing with allocation of resources and production of goods and services for the satisfaction of human wants. It is a social science that studies how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and choices in face of unlimited wants and allocate scarce resources to their most important, pressing and preferred needs.

In Nigeria, Economics is taught in senior secondary school using Economics senior secondary school curriculum. Economics curriculum has to do with all the experiences and


activities provided by the teacher/school to the students in course of handling Economics subject in order to achieve the objectives of the subject (Economics). As documented by the Federal Ministry of Education (FME), (2008) the guiding principle of the Economics curriculum is the need to equip graduates of senior secondary school with the basic knowledge and skills that will enable them to better appreciate the nature of economic problems in any society and adequately prepare them for the challenges in the Nigerian economy.

The objectives of Economics curriculum according to FME, (2008) include enabling students:

Understand basic economic principles and concepts as well as the tools for sound economic analysis.

Contribute intelligently to discourse on economic reforms and development as they affect or would affect the generality of Nigerians.

Understand the structure and functioning of economic institutions.

Appreciate the role of public policies on national economy.

Develop the skills and also appreciate the basis for rational economic decisions.

Become sensitized to participate actively in national economic advancement through entrepreneurship, capital market and so on.

Understand the role and status of Nigeria and other African countries in international economic relationships.

Appreciate the problems encountered by developing countries in their effort towards economic advancement.

Economics is of great importance because it is a subject that has direct utility which prepares a student for a wide range of career options, ranging from business to government such as in industries and other professional areas like Banking, Accountancy, and Planning (Hall, 2013). Therefore, the need for economic literacy is obvious because it is a subject that has relevance to everyday life and could prepare secondary school students for an entrepreneurial career. It helps in equipping secondary school students with entrepreneurial skills to becoming useful citizens even if they do not further their education. According to Finkelstein (2011), high school graduates will be making economic choices all their lives, as breadwinners and consumers, and as citizens and voters and they will need some capacity for critical judgment, whether or not they go to college. Thus, it is of great importance that secondary school Economics curriculum is very interesting, enlightening, revealing and addresses important economic issues in the country for students to gain meaningfully from the experiences, knowledge and skills for real life activities. Whether students have gained meaningfully or not from the experiences, knowledge and skills provided through Economics curriculum can only be determined through the academic achievement of students in the subject matter.

               Students’     academic     achievement     shows     the     success     or     otherwise     of      an

academic/educational endeavour.  Students’ academic achievement tends to show the efficacy or otherwise of schools and tends to determine the future of students. Aremu (2001), was of the view that academic achievement is a fundamental criterion by which all teaching-learning activities are measured, using some standards of excellence and the acquisition of particular grades in examinations to measure student’s ability, mastery of the content, and skills in applying the knowledge acquired to a particular situation. According to Ernest-Ehibudu & Opurum (2013), the measure for assessing students’ level of academic achievement is through achievement tests/examinations and observations.

Achievement tests may include tests or examinations given at the end of a lesson, unit, term, session, year or programme such as weekly test, mid-term test, termly examination, first school leaving examination, senior secondary school examination (e.g WASSCE, NECO, NABTEB) and other tests/examinations at different levels and areas of education. For instance, the achievement test to be used in this study is Economics Achievement Test as developed by the researcher. The results/grades gotten from these achievement tests/examinations and observations could be high, average, low or poor.

In spite of the importance of Economics and the government’s provision in terms of instructional materials and qualified teachers (Federal Ministry of Education, FME, 2008), students’ achievement in Economics seems not to be encouraging. For example, the West African Examination Council Chief Examiner’s Report (2008 through 2012) revealed that the achievement of students in Economics at the end of secondary education has remained poor. Ojelabi, (2009) observed that researchers’ concern has risen due to the fact that students’ achievements in the Secondary School Certificate Economics have remained poor. Regrettably, Alaka and Obadara (2013) noted that there has been persistent poor achievement of students in West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASSCE). This poor achievement of students in Economics, a subject that aids in developing students’ critical and creative thinking is very disheartening. No wonder the seeming dysfunctional, non-creativity, non-productivity and non-employability of secondary school graduates in the country. Various factors have been adduced for this poor achievement of students in Economics such as teaching methods and gender among others (Adu & Ayeni, 2004; Ewumi, 2009; Olatoye & Adekoye, 2010; Emaikwu, 2012; Idris & Rajuddin, 2012; Ifeanyi-Uche & Ejabukwa, 2013; Jensen & Owen, 2013).

Teaching methods/approaches can make or mar students’ potentialities to learn and achieve. Teaching approaches and strategies have been put forward as one of the factors affecting students’ academic achievement. For example, Emaikwu, (2012) noted that the fall in standard of performance at secondary school level is incontrovertibly attributable to pedagogical approaches adopted by teachers in schools. The selection of appropriate teaching approaches for a particular classroom situation enables the teacher and his/her students to accomplish specific goals (Kennedy, 2011). As such, Finkelstein (2011) stated that student’s achievement outcomes are of primary importance and are hypothesized to be mediated by changes in teacher’s knowledge and application of pedagogical practices in teaching-learning process. Observing the importance of teaching methods in teaching-learning process, Hussain and Ali, (2012) postulated that the content to teach is just like the body and the method is just like the soul in the body; the body without soul is of no importance, therefore teaching without the proper method of teaching has zero value. This implies that ineffective or non-students-participatory teaching methods result to little or no learning and the end product – poor or no achievement.

Researchers have called for students to become more active participants in their learning process and for instructors to apply teaching methods that increase students’ participation and their interactions with students (Lammers & Murphy 2002; Kember 2009). Identifying teaching methods that may be effective in different educational levels, Hussain and Ali, (2012) noted that in the lower levels the drill and practice method may be effective and fruitful while at the higher stages the method should be according to the demands of the subject and the interest of the students. 

There is no particular teaching-learning approach that is exclusively encompassing or the most excellent. Two or more teaching-learning approaches could be used by teachers to have more meaningful learning outcomes. However, Idris and Rajuddin (2012) observed that it is a common practice in Nigeria where a teacher stands before the chalk board and delivers lesson through verbal instruction while the students serve as passive listeners and take note from the board. However, Kelly (2014) stated that this practice can be of great benefit in that students who are auditory learners find that lectures appeal to their learning style. Also, in a lecture environment, instructors have a greater control over what is being taught in the classroom because they are the sole source of information (Kelly, 2014).

However, lecture method seems to promote rote learning since students are simply passive listeners in the process. Accordingly, Olatoye and Adekoya (2010) noted that some methods of conveying knowledge like conventional approaches such as lecture and recitation tend to be relatively ineffective on the students’ ability to master and retain important concepts, and on enhancing critical thinking and collaborative problem solving among students. No wonder, the poor achievement of secondary schools students and the seeming failure of secondary education towards producing sound, creative, functional and effective secondary school graduates.

For students’ achievement to increase and for them to be productive and functional in this 21st century, there is every need for the application students’ participatory approaches; that is teaching – learning approaches that meaningfully engage the learners such as concept mapping. Concept mapping is a tool that allows a learner to learn and understand the relationships between ideas or concepts by creating a visual chart/diagram of the connections. Concept maps were developed in 1972 in the course of Novak’s research program at Cornell where he sought to follow and understand changes in children’s knowledge of science (Hsu & Chang, 2011). It is a technique that gives learners the opportunity to externalize their thoughts in a visual/graphic form.

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