A Survey On The Causes Of Indiscipline Among Students In Public Secondary School
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A Survey On The Causes Of Indiscipline Among Students In Public Secondary School
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This project work seeks to find out the causes of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools, a case study of Ovia North Local Government Area of Edo State. During the survey, data were collected through the use of the questionnaire in four selected public secondary schools. This research examines important aspects of indiscipline both in the light of psychological knowledge and of the overall task of the society, school, its administrators, and teaching staff and parents. The imperative of indiscipline, its causes, types and solutions are discussed in the project and pedagogical, social, and psychological techniques are proffered importantly. We concluded that all the agent and agencies of education need to put hands on decking order to prevent and curb this social menace called indiscipline in our public secondary schools.




For obvious reason, we might be tempted to undermine the theme of this paper. Reasons are not far fetched; the topic most academic will say is of common place discourse in the nook and crannies of the country and the world at large. However, we make bold to state here that these are mere assumptions. The topic demands our serious consideration and resolution because of its visible impediment to national growth and development. Currencies are without doubt apparent. This being so, a clear understanding of a topic begin with an espies on the meaning of the term indiscipline. Indiscipline, a derivative of the word, discipline, according to the chambers twentieth century dictionary is a mode of life in accordance with rules subjection to control.


The oxford advance learner’s dictionary defines it as a lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people. Tulihi and Bello (1980) assert that indiscipline is the breaking of rule and regulation of institutions. According to Uwagie Ero et al (2002) indiscipline is a state of disorder used by lack of training and control to the end. Indiscipline can simply be seen as a mode of life not in conformity with rules and regulation capable of obstructing the smooth and orderly, functioning in the school system. Adeyemo (1985) school rules and regulations in most cases do affect students more than any other thing because they are made by the school authorities in order to guide and protect the students while in school. The problem of indiscipline is more apparent among school students. Indiscipline among them has attracted serious attention of scholars and administrators. These scholars and administrators attribute indiscipline among public secondary school students in their state of development. They opined that when students notice certain biological changes signaling maturity in the course of their growth and development, they tend to misbehave by faulting school rules and regulations (Mukharjee 1985). The causes of indiscipline are based on the acts of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools range from deviation from simple norms and instruction of heinous crime infact the list is inexhaustible. Ozula (1986) listed some act of indiscipline which include disobedience, vandalisation, quarreling, fighting, rioting, wickedness, absenteeism, violence, dishonesty, arson, idleness, disorderliness, laziness, smuggling, jealousy, gossip, drunkenness, greed, selfishness, discrimination, corruption, bribery, drug abuse, sex, and raping. Others are lawlessness, kidnapping, murder, oppression, misappropriation of fund and mismanagement. Disobedience is the mother of indiscipline. According to the Holy Bible, from the book of Genesis 1:26, 3:6 says that God created the world and made man above everything therein still man sinned-disobeyed God by eating the forbidding fruit the consequence of this indiscipline was great, God cursed man and drove him out of the garden of Eden.


The child academic achievement which is affected by the nature of their background, the bedrock of informal education at the school, the place for formal education of the child is that of building up the child socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually to enable him fit into the fabric of the society to which they belongs. Indiscipline has alarmed the various actions of our society including the government, parents, of today no longer stay at home to look after the children, this may be as a result of the non-challant attitude of some parents and the quest for money.


Since these children are not cared for properly, some may not be willing to go to school and these set of youth or people create problems for the parents as well as the society. On the other hand the parents ones attending school may not perform well in terms of academic because of non availability of materials, funds etc. a child whose parents are illiterate and poor is likely not to perform well in examination in the first place they are likely to have many brothers and sisters and this result in the matter of survival of the fittest been required to help out on the farm or in the market in order to be assured of his basic needs. The education of the youths is very essential in order to ensure loyalty of the citizen, a system must stimulate the spirit of patriotism and lay solid foundation for national understanding and tolerance in our children national policy of education stated that the purpose of education as follows; to create a good society where all its members can use their intelligence and moral resources, at their disposal to develop all the natural resources within the environment in pursuit of the set of goals and objectives, Castle (2001) opined that his principles of education for teachers state that one of the major problem facing Nigeria society today is lack of national progressive the family as agent of socialization could have significant impact on the child. This is evident from the fact that it is the first place, which the child learns about the environment and the word at large, parent inculcate in the child their acquire behavioural pattern. Parents who feels less concern about their children by going to work very early and coming late when their children are already at sleep all this has a way of redrawing progress of work. This means that the school should be able to produce discipline pupils who will later become good citizens are free from any undisciplined act, on many occasions nowadays, the student will refuse to obey their teachers, making noise, walking and forming social groups in the same class where lecturer is going on. Experience has shows that secondary and higher education are built upon for instance secondary schools students who exhibited such behaviour have such act traced to their secondary school days. With this it became necessary to undertake a study towards the effect of indiscipline background can pupils academic performance in  public secondary schools.    



This study is geared towards the investigation of the survey of the causes of indiscipline among students in public secondary school and how to curb it. The following shall stand the basic research questions


The objective of the study is to

1) find out societal influence on indiscipline

2) find out whether home background causes students’ indiscipline

3) investigate how poor school administration causes indiscipline

4) find out if the influence of peer group has in any way contributed to the level of students’ indiscipline in school

5) find out the effect of the mass media on indiscipline


The following shall stand as the basis of the research questions/hypothesis

1) What are the causes, problems and solutions of indiscipline among public secondary school students?

2) How does societal morals contribute to indiscipline?

3) Does home background contribute to indiscipline?

4) How does poor school administration affects students’ in disciplinary behaviour?

5) Does peer group influence causes indiscipline?


The significance of this study is to identify the causes and solutions of indiscipline among schools. These findings will go long way in exposing teachers and other school workers to the major cause of indiscipline in schools. And these will help the teachers in curbing indiscplinary behaviour  in schools again, as a result of this research work, principals see their shortcomings and evolve a more effective approach to teaching and school management.

Lastly, the findings of the study would help parents, teachers, school administrators, government and society in general in knowing the various part they should play which could lead to indiscipline.


       This study is supposed to have produced comprehensive and more significant finding if the researchers have sampled all the secondary schools in gwagwalada area council, but due to the time and financial constraint coupled with number of schools in the Council Area of the state the researcher was unable to carryout extensive research.

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