The Impact Of Computrization On Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc, Enugu)
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The Impact Of Computrization On Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study Of First Bank Plc, Enugu)
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  1. Back ground of the study
  2. Statement of problem
  3. Objective of the study
  4. Research of the study
  5. Research question
  6. Hypothesis
  7. Scope or delimitation of the study
  8. Significance of the study





  1. Methodology

3.1     Design of the study

3.2     Area of study

3.3     Population for the study

3.4     Sample and sampling procedure

3.5     Instrument for data collection

3.6     Validity of the instrument

3.7     Reliability of the instrument

3.8     Method of administration of the instrument

3.9     Method of data analysis





  1. Discussion
    1. Discussion of findings
    2. Conclusion of the study
    3. Recommendation
    4. Implication of the findings
    5. Suggestions for the further studies
    6. Limitations of the study











A computer is an electronic device which stores information on magnetic tapes; diskette, hard disks, etc. analyze it and produce information as required from the data on them.

          Computer operates at an electronic speed and logic. It can perform large and replelative and complex calculations with utmost accuracy and at an astonishing speed for centuries, a record keeping has been manual. Mechanical and developed through the age of machine assisted into the present day computer age in which we are in.

The computer is an advanced technology innovation which has evolved as product of our modern society and it is a modern age tool in management.

Although, computer is a “child” of our modern day society. Many people approach the subject with apprehension and in certain cases develop absolute fear for this device, the reason for all these are obvious. The computer came upon the world so quickly and is now to affect our various lives in different ways. This coupled with the general lack of knowledge of what computer is, has given rise to away an anti computer feeling.

The application of computer in Nigeria is very recent phenomenon. Its use in the business sector of Nigeria economy is also very new and has not bees fully integrated into the business sectors.

Banks on the other hand has seen the essence of this device in trying to actually carry out its function on the economy, and have now started brining in the computer into various financial services offered to its customers.

Manual keeping of information and manual processing of data/accounts of the customers is extremely slow and cannot cope with the increase sophistication of customers, demand and volume of transactions this modern time. It has said that the horse was replaced by the motor vehicle not because motor vehicle is more convenient, but because the horse has become inefficient from the economic point of view. For instance if a manual operation on three thousand salaried people the cost involved in this type operation is numerous via personnel cost retirement scheduling cost etc then enters the computer. The computer would not involve much cost rather it will perform the work more speedily than a manual operation.

Computer system has played some major role in the Nigeria banking

Sector. But it is still a very recent development and are not making adequate impact in the banking industry because not all banks in Nigeria have actually gone computerized

These which have gone into computerization have only certain or few departments computerized. while those Nigeria banks which have not gone into computerization are still looking into the possibilities of being computerized.

However the coming of computer as earlier stated has some of its attendant problem, but looking at it very closely, it might be a serious problem to the banks. These are two necessary things which must be available before any bank can go into computerization personnel is very necessary for the effective running of any computer. This why Charles A. Myers in his book said that computer can be good or evil computer is being operated by human being only.

As stated by charles A. Myres.

My computer can read that is input

My computer can add, that is output

It can even remember better than man that is memory.

But my computer cannot love, that is human being all these added to the necessity of trained personnel for the effective running of computer.

In conclusion, the computer is an intellectual tool which contributes to output by increasing efficiency and it is also a tool that is capable of performing pre-determined task faster and more accurately now.



          high incidence of indiscipline dus loyally and fraudulent practice, are still found in the banking sector, despite the use of computers, there are still still cases of poor record keeping. Missing ledger cards improper accounting procedure and hence m is management in the banking industry. This has led to high incidence of frauds and fraudulent practices in the banking industry

          poor management of banking industry be the members of the executive and general staff is another contributing factors that lead to high incidence of indiscipline and frauds in the banking industry.

          The quality of the banks account records accuracy, competness and validityof information available from the bank and internal control system of most of the banks are incomplete disarray.

          The use of computer is expected to reduce the length of time spent by customers before being served in the bank, but the fact is that customers still spend a lot of time in the banking hall despite the use of computer. This risen a question as to effective of the computer in the banking industry. In developed countries like America, Europe and Japans; all banks operations are computerized in order to keep with the sophistication of their customers, but with manual practices still existing in Nigeria banks. Customers are unnecessary delayed during processing of their document which leads to suffocation in the compact waiting hall, and mistakes in processors of those documents and money counting.

Despite the fact that most bank are claiming to be computerized in Nigeria not all banks in Nigeria have actually gone delayed during computerized. Those which have gone into computerization have only few departments computerized while banks that have not gone into computerization are still looking into the possibilities of being computerized which is due to the problem of personnel and financial cost.

          Banking services seem not to have changed for better despite the use of computer system in the banking industry. Some bank services like provision of night safe facilities issuing of cheque cards are not practiced at all in most Nigerian banks. Also other services practiced on developed countries banks like cash dispensing services automated tellers video, home banking data base online system of computing and microcomputers are found in banks at U.S.A, Europe, Japan etc in other keep sophistication of their customers



The objectives of the study are as follows

  1. To find out whether fraudulent practices in thre banking services has been reduced by the use of computers
  2. To find out if  computerization of banking services has reduced the time customers spend in the banking hall
  3. To know whether bank have changed for better with the introduction of computers in the bank.
  4. To identify how far computerization of computers have improved the image and services of the banking industry.
  5. To identify how far computerization has produced communication system infrastructures in its pulpit to produce more information for efficient management
  6. To make recommendation if computer is not adequate input in the banking industry. What are the causes of failure in computerization?



          The following are the key question to be used in the research question and the details will be in the appendix.

  1. Does computer usage facilitate perpetration of fraud in banks?
  2. Do banks officials manipulate internal control system in the 1st bank to committee fraud?
  3. What extent of collusion 1st bank staff and external influence in fraudulent practice?



          The researcher tried to formulate a hypothesis to guide her when analyzing her findings. The hypotheses are:

          The computerization of banking industry has improved the services of banking industry in Nigeria viz FBN

H1:    the computerization of banking industry has not improved services of Nigerian bank (viz. FB)

H2:    computerization in banking industry has reduced fraudulent practices in the banking system in Nigeria

H3:    computerization has not reduced fraudulent practices in the banking industry.

H4:    computerization has reduced the time people spend in banking hall

H0:    computerization has not reduced the time customers spend in the banking hall

H4:    computerization in banking industry has produced communication system infrastructure in its plight to produce more information for efficient management

H5:    computerization in banking industry has not produced more information for efficient management

H6:    computerization of Nigerian bank has made the desired impact on bank performance

H7:    computerization of Nigeria banks have not made the desired impact on the bank performance



          The researcher study is limited to the first bank plc where actual computerization of some banking services has been introduced.

          The researcher would also be carried out through a case study which will be more realistic than a survey. A survey was found out to encompass the whole banking industry in Nigeria, but a case study would be more realistic one for the purpose of the work. This also limits the work to a certain bank viz. first bank of Nigeria plc although the researcher was able to get few information from other computer leading banks.

          Although the researcher tries as much as possible to get the general view for the general computing in banking industry , but this work layed emphasis on the impact of computerization in Nigeria banks which was the purpose of the work.




          Since computerization have been found to play a major role in increasing the efficiency of banking services in the various industries or firm including banking industry, the research into the impact of computerization in banking industry becomes important.

          This is necessary because it would give a very good understanding of what computers are and their contributions to increase efficiency in our banking system.

          However, works on computer in business and banking in recent times have only tried to look into the development of these soft wares for different services, but this research will look into the impact of computer system on our banking industry and highlighting the problem that have hindered the adequacy of computer system in banking industry

          The finding of this study are expected to help banks, companies and other business enterprise to know the extent or how far computerization have gone into banking industry in Nigeria

          It will also enable banks now that there is no comparism in the Nigerian banks and other banks in developed countries

          The discoveries and recommendation if implemented, by the bank will improve their standard in their level of efficiency in their general transaction. This still increase both the bank and customers relationship 




Computerization – to store information on a computer or to use a computer to control an operation

In its operational meaning      


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