The Behaviour Of The Consumer In The Market Place
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The Behaviour Of The Consumer In The Market Place
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                                             THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE  CONSUMER IN THE MARKET PLACE                          


Title page                                                                      


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Table of Contents


Chapter one


1.1Back ground of the study

1.2Statement of problem

1.3Purpose  of the study

1.4Significance of the study

1.5Assumption of the study

1.6Delimitations of the study

1.7Definition of terms 

Chapter two

2.0     `Literature review

2.1Economic perspectives of consumer behaviour

2.2The Behavioural Management perspectives

2.3The marketing management perspectives


2.5Constraints in understanding consumer behaviour

Chapter  three

3.1Implication for marketing




This term  paper sees the behavoural of the consumer in the market – place as a function of economic cultural, social, personal and psychological factors.  Hence it examines consumer behaviour from various perspectives, namely  economic, behavioural management, and marketing management perspectives.  On the economic perspectives it  concludes that the economic analysis of consumer behariour at the micro- economic level is founded on the utility concept” and diminishing marginal returns the behavioural management perspective are concerned  with how to influence individual behaviour and the analysis of socio  psychological relationships.  The marketing management perspectives attempt to explain human behaviour in terms of motives.  The paper highlights the constraints in understanding consumer behaviour and ends with a  discussion of the marketing implications of the knowledge of these perspectives.




The effort  to understand  the behaviour of the consumer is essentially attempts to understand the why, what, when, where and how of the consumer’s decision to buy a product or service.  The study of buyer behaviour falls within the preview of marketing and itself termed “ Consumer Behaviour “ It has varied overtime; from early economic perspective to behavioral management perspective and to more modern marketing perspectives .


The pride of place which consumer behaviour enjoys in marketing practice is deeply rooted in the practice of the marketing concept” as a businesses philosophy- which is consumer –centred . it demands that the firm’s matching orders be stake  from the market place with focus on the satisfaction of the consumer.  According to Wilnshurst (1978) it is how we refer to the way in which many modern business have  come to look at the  total activity of their companies in a different light.   It introduces marketing at the beginning rather than at the end of production.


However, since consumer satisfaction is the focus of the marketing concept, it is necessary to find out those factors that influence him.  Lazar and Kelling (1973) believe that the marketing concept is however ambiguous as a term especially when the long run situation  of the consumer’s wants and desire  are considered,  the issues of consumerism are also challenges on the practice of the marketing concept.  However our main interest  in this paper  regarding the marketing concept is the  to the point out its relevance to the efforts made in consumer behaviour analysis.  By several measures, consumers are now more ephisticated, and more sophisticated ways of satisfying them are necessary. To contain these developments, there have been suggestion for “ societal marketing concept” (Kotler and Levy 19968) and even  “Deepening the  marketing concept “(Enis and Cox 1975) understanding the behaviour of the consumer will greatly help marketers in the designing of their marketing strategies.  It is therefore necessary to thoroughly understand the factors that influence the behaviour of the consumer for effective  marketing  operations.


A thorough understanding of the factors that influence the behaviour of the consumers demands an orderly study of the entire phenomenon of consumers behaviour.  Unfortunately.  Its study had vowed over time and to date, the search for a universally accepted ‘best model’  is still on while this search is still on,  a good understanding  of past  efforts and achievements is necessary for envisage progress


The aim of this  paper, therefore, is to survey the efforts made to comprehensively understand  the behaviour of the consumer in the market place and highlight marketing implications.  Put in another form, it is an overview of the evolutionary efforts to understand the  why what, who how, where and  when of the consumer in the market place as he/she decides to purchase a product or service.


Perspectives of consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour Defined.

Makin (1982) sees economics as the mother science of marketing and since consumer behaviour faces within the purview of marketing, it would be justified for us to go back to economics for early efforts to understand the consumer behaviour.  However before we do those we would by to know what consumer behaviour is and how it has  been defined overtime to enable us conceptually discuss.

Consumer behaviour has been defined in many ways, but that which appears to be researcher’s favourite  was given by Engel etal (1973, page 5 ) as:

Those acts of  individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods and  services.  Including the decision processes that precede and determine these acts.

It stresses:

(i)“That acts of  individual”

(ii)“Individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods and services”

(iii)Including the decision processes that precede and determine these acts”

The implications of these delineations are  very crucial to the focus of this paper.  “Acts of individual”

Here  imply only an individual but individuals probably representing those within and outside the immediate place under consideration.  For the purpose of  this paper, “individuals directly involved” means those who are actually buying  the  products or services in the market place, and actually constitute the act-make consumers, this paper is precisely not focused on industrial buying agents or their surrogates, through they may be mentioned  in passing.

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