Funding Of Federal Parastatlas (A Case Study Of Federal Radio Cooperation Of Nigeria In Enugu State
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Funding Of Federal Parastatlas (A Case Study Of Federal Radio Cooperation Of Nigeria In Enugu State
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 (A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL RADIO COOPERATION OF NIGERIA IN ENUGU                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ABSTRACT

An appraisal of tax holiday incentive programme could apart form critically examine the nature of and type of incentive after proceed form two angle – Micro and Macro. The micro aspect is an attempt to access the significances of the programme in the beneficiary while the macro aspect is the attempt to excess the whole aspect of aspect of the programme to the government and to the economy.

This paper only attempt to analyze the impact of holiday tax on investment on the pioneer industry form the macro aspect (that is – assessing the significances in the investment decision of the benefinciary0 it is one thing to grant tax holiday relief to the qualified companies and it is another thing whether the infant industry incentive is crucial in the investment decision of the companies affected t commence and continued operation.

The fact that the benefiting company has precedes substantial return from the point of view of the economy dose not mean that the tax holiday incentive, which they enjoy, is superfluous. Much the same result could have been archived without the enjoyment for he incentives. The general belief particularly among incentive will induce an interpretation to set up the operation n the priority areas approved by the government. This was the belief in 1952 and 1958 when the aid to pioneer industrial ordinance and the industrial development (income tax relief) acts were posed respectively.

This provides is with the tax holiday, which is the significances to pioneer income companies profit and Liquidity Company.

Bill Borrow and Porter “ liquidity model for physical incentive evaluation” is used in this work to measure the extent the industry is incentive induced.

Based partly on the result of the analysis and partly on the different conception of the effectiveness of tax holiday scheme. It is concluded that not only the infant or the pioneer companies are incentive induced but also that the scheme is working out effectively with those companies qualified and granted the status.  







1.1     Introduction

1.2     Statement of the problem

1.3     Objective of study

1.4     Significance of study

1.5     Statement of the hypothesis

1.6     Scope of the study

1.7     Scope of the study

1.8     Definitions of terms


2.1     Review of the related literature

2.2     Preambles

2.3     Classifications for fiscal incentives

2.4     Objective if tax holiday

2.5     Nature of legislative position on the holiday tax

2.6     The fiscal scarifies

2.7     Criticism of tax incentive scheme

2.8     Holiday tax scheme

2.9     The pioneer industry

2.10   Method of evaluation for the impacts of tax holiday

2.11   The liquidity method

2.12   The survey approach

2.13   The computation profit approach

2.14   The pioneer/ infant company   


3.1     Research design and methodology

3.2     Source of data

3.3     Primary

3.4.    Area of study

3.5     Populations for the study

3.6     Instrument for data collection

3.7     Reliability for the instrument

3.8     Validity of the instrument

3.9     Method of administration

3.10   Method of data analysis

3.4     Secondary data

3.5     Sample used

3.6     Method of investigation


4.1     Data analysis and interpretation

4.2     data presentation and analysis

4.3     Test of hypothesis



5.1     Summary of the findings

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendation





Tax policy among other being the basic objective of the encouraging capital formation for economic development.

Income that would otherwise be spent on non-essential is usually taxed out of their holder to mobilize enough savings to finance needed investment both in the manufacturing and social overhead capital.

However, in thud capital formation, sole development of the economy lies in the conflict between the need for high rate to raise enough capital for the government owned investment in utilities and infrastructures which are essential for development and industrializations and the need to keep tax rate low enough to encouraged private investor in industries and in agriculture.

The situation is further compounded by the fact that by and large, income are low in the development economy (giving rise to low tax revenue generally) and those tax which vary directly and rise progressively with the income and which are most effective in retrieving a good portion of gain of the economic development are the once likely to affect return from private investment.

In other to meet up with those conflicting demand, the approach is to combine high rate of tax with preferential treatment to categories of desired development activity (with penalty tax for undesired activities). At 45%, the company income tax rate in Nigerian as considered high enough could be an effective tool for any necessary deduction in the economic activity. But apart from the deriving, the must effective way of mobilizing capital , there is still he need to direct investment to the desired sector of the economy. Other dilemma here is that investment which meet the main motor of the private investor (capital profits) are not necessary those that bring about high social benefits. In fact before 1964, value added production was quit unattractive to entrepreneur. They regard trading and contract business as the quickest way of increasing the income. In addition, the British trading firm that dominated the economy with the assistance of the colonial government discourages diversified indoctrination in Nigerian to protect their own trading interest.

But with the Nigerian political independency in 1960, come the international completion for the Nigerian vast market. The intensification of this competition coupled with the government active encouragement gave impetus to industrialization. The investment in the industry after a public policy is a challenge to influence the level, composition and direction of the manufacturing output and capital production. Such policies at first encouraged the domestic production of various goods previously imported but latter emphasis has shifted to maximization of value added to the grose domestic product the policy is therefore at encouraging the utilization of our local raw material by the manufacturing firm in place of the imported ones and also for encouraging production for foreign market. Nigerian has been utilizing a system of fiscal incentive, which is consciously manipulated to influence the direction of investment in activities in the private sector. These incentives are embodies in fire legal enactment as follows;

  1. The industrial development (income tax relief) Act of 1958 as amended by decree 22 of 1971.
  2. The industrial development, (import duties relief) Act of 1957.
  3. Costumes duties (dumped and subsidized goods Act of 1958.
  4. The customs (draw back) regulation of 1958
  5. The income tax (amendment) Act of 1959)

Tax holiday scheme is wildly used by the developing countries in the belief that it is a useful fiscal industrial policy for rapid economic development, sine it is activity in the preferred sector of the economy. But the scheme can activity be providing subsidy to all the firm benefiting by it without necessary stimulating fir example if for a firm that enjoys tax holiday, the volume and timing of the incentive as well as the decision concerning the input and output market of an opportunity and other pioneer and other infant company sector. Condition of the firm remains as would have been without the tax holiday. Though the subsidy is enjoy but that firm become socially non beneficial.

It is therefore important to determine and to what extent is a firm stimulated to invest by tax holiday and them know which among the infant industry are stimulated and which are not from the which knowledge we can then determine the extent of the effectiveness of the tax scheme.


In deciding whether a companies incentive included that (is stimulated) , two things comes to mind, whether the company decide to go into business because of the offer ( of the tax holiday which we shall not investigate here) also whether the company subsequent decision on investment are included by tax holiday subsidy.

Apart from using the liquidity model to evaluate the extent of inducement for subsequent investment of infant industry in Imo State (selection region) this study will also examine other basic issue that influence the effectiveness of tax holiday scheme.


The researcher carried out the study wit limits imposed by practical consideration of the financial involvement and time constraint. Considering the geographical areas of the nation, the researcher chose seven companies in Imo State.


The following research question is used for the project topic” the impact of tax holiday investment in private or infant industries ( a case of companies in Imo State.

  1. Did your industry decide to go into business in the first place because for the offer of tax holiday
  2. Is your industry subsequent decision on investment induced by tax holiday subsidy
  3. Is tax holiday scheme influencing the size of investment in your industry
  4. In what can increase in the investment as a result of fiscal inducement (some time coupled with the condition that indigenous labour must be used by the benefiting company) cause the red action in unemployment.
  5. How can tax holiday scheme be used to redirect investment pattern  

In order to employ a scientific approach to the realization of the objective of this research work, the following hypothesis were analyzed.

Ho: the impact of tax holiday on investment is not favorable in the infant industry in Imo state.

Hi; the impact of tax holiday to the infant industry in Imo state is favorable in Imo state


The holiday involves the government expenditure in two forms

  1. In form of subsidy to the infant industry
  2. In form of cast of administering the pioneer scheme

Been an expenditure, there should be benefit to show for it 9 particularly in this austere time) else the fund expended on it should be directed to other areas of need. This is why the evaluation of the scheme becomes important. Beside the scheme is an industrial policy, which there are alternative and one of which is government direct participation in the sector in which private investors lad behind. If the scheme is found to be an effective inducement, the alternative strategy for building stock of profitability investment in the relevant sector should take it place.


The definition is for use in this book only and not for general standard definition. They are relevant to this context

Infant or pioneer industry: industry operating in Nigerian and in those areas where the government consider being beneficial to the Nigerian and assistance to which will in public interest.

  1. Tax holiday: the period of time allowed of granted to the pioneer industry to enjoy income tax relief
  2. Investment: the economic activity design to increase in dimension of growth or to maintain the production quality of the existing stock or capital.

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