The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation In Revamping Distressed Banks In Nigeria
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The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation In Revamping Distressed Banks In Nigeria
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          As part of the reform measures taken to strengthen the supervisory framework for the banking sector, the Nigeria deposit Insurance corporation (NDIC) was established by decree N.22 of 1988. This reinforcement became imperative given the up surge in the member of licensed bank following the adoption in addition to this, there  was also the long term need to create and sustain an enabling environment that will engender sate and sound banking practices by protecting the banking system against destruction runs, protecting bank deposit (especially those of small savers) and ensuring fair play amongst the competing banks. These cardinal consider actions were rein formed by the lesson of history of bank features in Nigeria, the experience of other countries where deposit insurance scheme are being operated and there alive of the prevailing distressed financial condition of the bank in particular and other financial intermediaries in the financial sector in general.

          A collaborative study of distress in the Nigeria financial sector was conducted by the corporation and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and its finding corroborated the earlier held view that distress among the Nigeria Banks was precipitated by a complex set of interrelated problems that had for long afflicted the industry. These include poor management, capital inadequacy, poor lending etc.

         Ever since its establishment the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) has consistent with its mandate as provided in NDIC decree. Continued to ensure safe and sound banking system. The sanitization of the banking sector has remained the primary focus of the corporation’s activities through the adoption of appropriate failure resolution options and effective implement action of various laws. Promulgate by the government to stem the hide of distress in the system. This understandably, was because might from its inception the corporation has had to contend with insuring insolvent banks.

            The corporations effort and out standing challenges in this regard are reviewed in this term paper and organized as follows after this introduction. Chapter 1, 1.1 talks about background of the study, 1.2statement of the problem, 1.3 purpose/objective of the study,1.4 significance of the stubby.1.5 limitation of the study. Chapter2 presents the review of related literature. Chapter 3, 3.0 Research design and methodology 3.1 sources of data (secondary sources only, 3.2 location of data, 3.3 method  of data collection (literature work only) Chapter 4, 4.0 findings.

               Conclusively, there are chapter  5, which is the last chapter of the term paper. It talks summary while 5.1 is the recommendations and lastly 5.2 which presents conclusion before the bibliography.




          The Federal Military Government Decree No. 22 the 15th June 1988. “There is hereby established a body to be known as the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (hereinafter in this Decree referred to as “the corporation”).  This corporation is out to insure bank deposits thereby helping to promote safe and sound banking system in Nigeria, protect depositors interest and further inculcate banking habit amongst Nigerians.

          NDIC in an autonomous supervisory body with powers among others, to examine the books and affairs of insured banks and other deposit taking financial institutions operating n Nigeria, to insure their total deposit liabilities with NDIC with the exception of insider deposits, ie deposits belonging to the Board members and staff of the insured bank, deposits used as collateral and such other deposits Borad of NDIC may exempt from time to time.

          Deposit insurance is financial guarantee instituted as a measure of safety for the banking system to protect depositors.  Deposit insurance promotes the stability of the banking system.  It assures the saver that his funds are safe, and that the failure of one bank does not mean that all banks are in danger of failing.  The authorized capital of the corporation is N1000M (One thousand million Naira) out of which N50m (fifty million naira) has already been called and paid up by the federal government of Nigeria to establish the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC).




          In light of the vital role which the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) play in developing the national economy in their capacity as vector of revamping distress banks, investment and employment opportunities it will be expedient to point out that the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) in all its advancement and sophistication has not succeeded yet in effectively achieving this mission.  The reason is not just one of the fact some banks have failed, but that same.

          Factors have continued to mediate against the successful performance of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation.  The problem of economic under-development in Nigeria can arguably traced to the fact that NDIC have not been as efficient as they ought to be.  But then a number of factors have been responsible for the conditions in which NDIC have found themselves today.

          The causes of inefficient of the Nigeria deposit insurance corporation (NDIC) are:

Incompetent management (both shareholders and Management Executive), capital inadequacy, poor internal control, poor asset quality competition and such factors as economic environment, socio-political environment.




          It must at outset be acknowledge that the sanitation of the banking system has been collaboratively carried out by a lost of regulatory authorities namely CBN< NDIC and the Federal Ministry of finance, among others.  However, distress resolution which is the care of the revamping exercise i.e. legally a primary responsibility of the NDIC going by the amendments to its decree.  The corporation has therefore taken a number of initiatives in this regard leading to the evolution of a co-ordinated approach for distress resolution.

          In this term paper of the role of NDIC in the revamping efforts, it is noteworthy to distinguish between some normal or ordinary supervisory actions of the corporation that however, impact on the sanitization effort and those more or less one of actions taken to sanitize the system.  The first set of actions refers to the normal onsite examination and off-set supervisory activities of the corporation.  These actions provide the diagnosis for updating the trend in distress as well as indicating the next possible line of actions in the sanitization drive.  However, these normal supervisory activities will not be elaborated upon here to minimize digression from the focus of the presentation.

          The second set of actions conceptualize and implemented to senitize the banking system are expectedly corrective as well as preventive of further deterioration in the financial condition of the distressed banks.  These measures include moral suasion imposition of holding actions, financial assistance.  These are explained briefly.



          As a first step in distress management, the CBN and the NDIC would hold regular discussions and consultations with the owners and management of the affected banks with a view to making them embrace healthy practices that would enhances their performance as well as take prompt and decisive actions to revitalize their banks.  Although this approach had helped in making the owners and management of most problem banks to focus greater attention on certain areas of operational problems, not much had been achieved in addressing the fundamental problems of under capitalization and debt recovery.



          Banks that were identified to be distressed after a special examination, were placed under a close supervision and restrictions though the imposition of holding actions.  The aims of the holding action were to allow the troubled banks to under take self salvaging action and to arrest further deterioration in their financial condition.  This approach was anchored on the belief that given determined management and boards, the declining fortunes of the problem banks guide be reversed.  Holding actions imposed on distressed banks required than to do the following:


  1. Stop further advertisement for deposits without prior consent of the CBN.
  2. Not grant further loans and advances until the regulatory authorities were satisfied with the banks liquidity position.
  3. Take necessary steps to ensure adequate internal control measures to safeguard its books, record and assets.
  4. Inject further capital funds
  5. Engage in aggressive debt recovery derive
  6. Embark upon possible rationalization of staff and branches as a measure of cost reduction.

In addition, each distressed bank on which the holding actions were imposed, was required to furnish the CBN and the NDIC within 30 days of being served the holding actions, details of its strategic plan for the revitalization and effective management of the bank.  Such a term around plan was expected to be creditable and to include proposals for debt recover, rationalization of costs and staff, injection of additional capital, training et cetera.



          NDIC in collaboration with the CBN extended accommodation facilities to help ten banks out of their liquidity problems in 1989.  This measure recorded some success as confidence was restored within a reasonable period of time.  In recent years, the corporation was received and appraised application for liquidity support from some banks.  Though few application of these were approved, it was later found that the problem of the bank transcended liquidity to include insolvency, and hence could not be adequately resolved by the mere provision of liquidity support.  The regulatory authorities, therefore, needed to directly intervene by taking over the domically distressed banks.




            NDIC has a very important role it is playing with banking sector, NDIC insures Bank deposits thereby helping to promote stability, safely confidence and sound banking system in Nigeria, protect depositors interest and further inculcate healthy banking habits.  Through the instrumentally of special promulgations by government and the collaborative efforts of CBN, the Federal Ministry of finance and the federal ministry of justice, the corporation has been able to recover debts otherwise classified as uncollectible.  As at August 1999, about N7.6 billion has been 

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