Level Of Awareness Of The Causes And Prevention Of Anaemia In Pregnancy Amongst Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic In Poly Sub-District Hospital
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Level Of Awareness Of The Causes And Prevention Of Anaemia In Pregnancy Amongst Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic In Poly Sub-District Hospital
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Anaemia in pregnancy is a common problem in most developing countries and a major cause of maternal mortality.   In pregnancy, anaemia has a significant impact on the health of the mother and fetus.  The study is on the level of awareness of the cause and prevention of anaemia in pregnancy amongst mothers attending antenatal clinic at poly sub-district hospital, Asata, Enugu state.   Related literature were reviewed which showed that women are aware of the condition but do not know what causes it.   Four research questions were asked which focused on the knowledge of causes, prevention and effect of anaemia in pregnancy.   160 pregnant women were selected using convenient sampling method and questionnaire method of data collection was used with a return rate of 93.8%.  The data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentage and were discussed.  100 (66.7%) have an idea of what anaemia in pregnancy is, 19 (12.6.%) were of the view that booking visit should be done at anytime at all 69 (46%) have adequate knowledge of the effect of routine drugs.   However, the majority 90 (60%) lacks the knowledge of the effect of the condition especially on the mother.   Good antenatal care, good nutrition and health education were recommended as tools to reduce the burden of anaemia in pregnancy especially in developing countries.  




Background of Study                                                                        1

Statement of problem                                                                        3

Objective of the Study                                                                       3

Significance of the study                                                                             4

Research Questions                                                                           4

Scope of the study                                                                                      5

Operational definitions                                                                      5


The concept of anaemia                                                                    7

Effect of anaemia in pregnancy on the mother                                  17

Effect of the fetus                                                                              17

Complications of anaemia in pregnancy                                           18

Prevention of anaemia                                                                       20

Empirical review                                                                               21

Conceptual framework                                                                     23

Summary of literature review                                                            24




Research design                                                                                 26

Area of the study                                                                               26

Study population                                                                              27

Sampling and sampling techniques                                                   27

Sampling technique                                                                           27

Instrument for data collection                                                           27

Method of collection                                                                         28

Validation of instrument                                                                             28

Ethnical considerations                                                                     28

Method of data analysis                                                                    28


Data Analysis and Presentation of Results                                       29

Questionnaire return rate                                                                            29


Implication of Nursing                                                                      45 Summary                                                                                               45

Conclusion                                                                                        46

Recommendation                                                                               47

Questionnaire                                                                                    46




Table 1:      Bio data                                                                         29

Table 2:      Marital status of the respondents                                   30

Table 3:      Level of education of respondents                                  30

Table 4:      Occupation of respondents                                           31

Table 5:                                                                                             32

Table 6:      Shows if pregnant mothers have received health

talk on anaemia                                                             32

Table 7:      Shows where they received the health talk                    33

Table 8:      Occupation of respondents                                            34

Table 9:      Shows what pregnant mother think is the cause of

Anaemia                                                                        35

Table 10:    Shows the respondents idea of the maternal

complications of anaemia                                              36

Table 11:    Shows the respondents view of effect of anemia on

the fetus                                                                         36

Table 12:    Shows when pregnant women think should be the

first on                                                                           37

Table 13:    Show the opinion of regnant mothers about the

effect of routine drugs.                                                   38

Table 14:    Shows the opinion of others on the effect of adequate 38

Table 15:    Shows respondents’ view of the need for hemoglobin

estimation on each visit.                                                          39

Table 16:    Shows respondent’s view of protein intake before and

during pregnancy                                                                    40

Table 17:    Show that respondents view of the need for pre-marital

blood screening                                                              41




         Anaemia is a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, this may be caused by a decrease in red blood cell production, or reduction in hemoglobin contents of the blood or a combination of these (fraser and cooper, 2009).  Famakinwa (2002), stated that anaemia can be defined precisely as reduction in the amount of circulating red blood cells and a lower than normal haemoglobin level resulting in the reduction of oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.  The normal haemoglobin for males is 13-18gm/dl, 11.5-16.5gm/d for females and 11.0gm/dl for children.  A reduction in the above, results to anaemia.

          Pregnancy is a condition that can predispose a woman to anaemia due to the increased demand for oxygen and nutrient owing to the fact that a new individual is solely dependent on her survival.  Anaemia in pregnancy is defined according to WHO as a haemoglobin concentration of less than 11.5gm/dl.   During pregnancy, there is an increased demand of blood by the mother for protection from infection, preparation of the breast, prevention of post partum haemorrhage and extra iron for the fetus.

          Anaemia in pregnancy is a common problem in most developing countries and a major contributing factor to maternal morbidity.  20% of maternal deaths in Africa have been attributed to anaemia (African Health Science 2005).  It is estimated that 18% of women in industrialized countries are anaemic. In developing world, the figure rises to 56% and it is a contributory factor to women developing health problems and dying during pregnancy and child birth (WHO 1992).  The major causes include diet low in iron, lack of folic acid in the diet, lack of vitamin B12 and rapid successions of pregnancy among others.   The above is mainly seen in people of low socio-economic status and poor educational background.  there is also increased hospital admission due to anaemia amongst pregnant women.

          The condition can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the haemoglobin level of the individual.  In mild cases, the individual due to hidden signs and symptoms may not recognize it as a problem until it progresses to severe anaemia with manifestation like dizziness, dyspnoea, weakness etc.  Women of socio economic status who do not attend antenatal clinic are mostly affected as their hemoglobin level remains unestimated throughout pregnancy and this affects both mother and fetus adversely.   This can result in abortion, post partum haemorrage(PPH), and low birth weight.

          The problem of anaemia in pregnancy needs to be confronted so as to improve the outcome of pregnancy and reduce the alarming increase of maternal mortality and morbidity due to anaemia in developing countries with high level of poverty and illiteracy.


          Despite the health talks by health workers in different maternity homes in Enugu State, the researcher has come across many mothers who are admitted in the hospital on account of anaemia in pregnancy.  On inquiry, it was discovered that the problem is attributed mainly to low level of awareness on how to prevent the condition.   The researcher therefore decided to carry out a study in poly sub-district hospital to determine the level of awareness of the causes and prevention of anaemia in pregnancy amongst pregnant mothers.


Specifically the objectives are to:

  • Find out the awareness of pregnant mothers about anaemia in pregnancy.
  • Determine the extent to which pregnant mothers know about the causes of anaemia in pregnancy.
  •  Evaluate the level of knowledge about the effect of anaemia in pregnancy amongst pregnant mothers.
  • Determine the extent to which pregnant mothers know about the prevention of anaemia in pregnancy.


The findings of the study would enable the researcher:

  • The findings will acquaint the mothers on the dangers of anaemia during pregnancy and how best to prevent it.
  • The findings would broaden the horizon of health workers on the need to lay more emphasis as well as increase awareness through health talks and counseling on the ways to prevent anaemia especially in pregnancy.
  • The finding from the study will also pave way for future researchers who will wish to study the problem or other problems related to the study.
  • The findings will also add to the existing  body of knowledge about anaemia in pregnancy.


1)      Are the pregnant women aware of aneamia in pregnancy?

2)      What do pregnant mothers know about the causes of anaemia in pregnancy?

3)      What is the level of knowledge about the effect of anaemia in pregnancy amongst pregnant mothers?

4) What do pregnant mothers know about prevention of anaemia in pregnancy?


          The scope of the study is delimited to pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in poly sub-district hospital, asata, Enugu State, and their level of awareness of the causes and prevention of anaemia in pregnancy.


  • Anaemia::   A reduction in the number of red blood cells, or the amount of hemoglobin present in them.
  • Pregnancy  A condition of being with child, from conception to the expulsion of the fetus.
  • Hemoglobin:  A pigment contained in red blood cells which enables them to transport oxygen and the circulation.
  • hemorrhage:  An escape of blood from is vessels either externally or within the body.
  • Awareness: Being aware means being interested, informed and knowing the importance of something.    
  • Prevention:  activities aimed at avoiding and removing possible causes of something.
  • Morbidity:  Disease or illness rate of a given population.
  • Mortality:  Death rate of a given population.


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