A Comparative Analysis Of Newspaper Readership Attitudes Among Male And Females Students Imt, Enugu
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A Comparative Analysis Of Newspaper Readership Attitudes Among Male And Females Students Imt, Enugu
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In recent years, editors, newspaper owners and managers had been faced with the problem of determining the choice preference to their newspaper content by undergraduate of higher institutions of learning.

          This research, study which compare and analyses the newspaper readership attitude among male and female undergraduates of higher institutions of higher learning.

          This research used the sample survey method of social science research to validate its assumptions and research question. And for obvious reasons and constraints, students of institute of Management and technology (IMT) Enugu, in Enugu state were administered questionnaires. Therefore, it is the case study of this research.

          This research, however, aims at comparing, identifying and analyzing the newspaper readership attitude among male and female students of higher institutions with the ultimate result of finding out the choice preference as regards to content.

          Also, this research will in no small way help the editors and newspaper manger and publishers in the determination and prominence given to some items in order to promote wider readership among students.

          This study will also increase student’s awareness and contributions to both national and international issues. Also it will enhance and encourage greater patronage among the student’s profit to the publisher’s.

          Finally, the expected results due to the past studies on this topic will be that male student’s read both information on national and international news more than female student’s read more of entertainment than male student’s.


          CHAPTER ONE




Since the introduction of first newspaper in Nigeria, “Iwe Illinois” by a missionary Rev. Henry Townsend in 1959, several of newspaper, both weekly and daily have spring up.

          The growth of Nigeria press from later 50’s till now has become more tedious and immense because of the social, political and economic revolution that this country is undergoing. It contributed immensely to the present situation, with increased tasks on the newspaper in order to maintain its role as role as the watchdog of the society.

                   With many newspapers in circulation, readership attitude have changed considerably. Also the interest in newspaper contents changed variably with the content. Some people like to read about politics, economy, foreign news sport (information), while others are interested in reading cartoons, fashion trends, feminine fancies, human-interest stories or news, crime and accident reports.


          Many newspaper organizations abroad are constantly carrying out readership attitude researchers to know their reader interest and preferences so that they can adjust the contents of their newspaper in order to sustain and increase their numerous readers.

          In Nigeria, however the case is not so similar as editors and newspaper managers are able to carry out readership attitude researches or studies on their newspaper organization to know the need of their readers and be able to maintain them increase total turnover and maximize profits.

          Readership studies in newspapers also enable the newspaper organization to identify their female readers and strive to maintain and sustain interest. It is believed that the young female readers in the Nigeria society have negative response to the mass media especially the newspaper. It is also believed that this negative attitude of the female gender stems from fact that they are always engulfed in the activities. This in their immediate 

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