Effect Of Commercialization On The Performance Of Broadcasting Organization (A Case Study Of N.T.A, Enugu)
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Effect Of Commercialization On The Performance Of Broadcasting Organization (A Case Study Of N.T.A, Enugu)
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The essence of this research work is to unearth eh effects of commercialization on the performance of broadcasters.

To achieve this fit, the researcher studied 20 subjects carefully selected from the key areas in Enugu Urban. These areas are Abakpa, Emene, Obiagu and Independence layout.

The research methodology utilized in the research is the descriptive survey which is a scientific method. The methods was used because it is amenable to social science studies. Natural science study thing and phenomenon while social sconces study human beings. The survey method still remains one of the best options for social science research.

Questionnaire was used as an instrument of data collection. 21 questions in the questionnaire were designed to test the respondents. The questionnaires were designed to reflect the hypotheses designed  for the study.

In all, four hypotheses were drawn from the study. Hypothesis one was  whether commercialization  of television programmes does not allow broadcasters to be truthful and objective in their reporting. hypothesis two said that commercialization of television programes affects negatively the way viewers perceive its programme. Hypothesis three said that  commercialization  of television programmes hampers the social services functions of the television medium while hypothesis four said that commercialization  of television programmes debases the culture of the people.

All the hypothesis received statistical support. The chi-square method of computation used showed that at the probability level of 0.5, the respondents said that commercialization  does not allow broadcasters to be truthful and objective in their reporting.

That commercialization  of television programmes affects the way viewer perceived the programme. That commercialization  hampers the social service function of the broadcasting outfits, and finally that commercialization debase the culture of  the people.






  1. Background   study and history of case study
  2. Statement of problem/ purpose of the study
  3. Objectives of study
  4. Research hypothesis
  5. Significant of the study
  6. Limitation of the study
  7. Definition of terms


  1.  Review of literature
  2.  Sources of literature review
    1.  Effects of mass communication
    2.  Understanding framework

Theoretical framework

The social responsibility theory

The librarian theory



  1. Research methodology
  2. Research method
  3. Research design
  4. Research sample
  5. Measuring instruments
  6. Data collection
  7. Data analysis 
  8. Expected results



  1. Data analysis and result
  2. Data analysis
  3. Result
  4. Discussion



  1. Summary, and recommendation for further studies
  2. Summary
  3. Recommendation for further studies







A study of the effects of mass communication is always invariably the study of the theories of mass communication (Agba, 2000). The effects of mass communication differ from age to age and from people to people. Brenson (1960) agrees to this assertion when he writes that “some kids of communication on some kinds of issue brought to the attention of some kinds of effects”.

Commercialization is a situation whereby an institution, establishment sells. Its services to the consumers instead of rendering such services free of change. In the case of the mass media, the news programmes and air space are sold to the general public in a frantic effort to earn sizable revenue from such sells.

The primary function of the electronic media is a provide information to the public and to assist in molding and sustaining public opinion. At the same time the broadcasting media are to entertain the audience.

According to Okunna (1994) the television is considered one of the most effective channel for education and development. Purkar (193) is of the view that while television provide words pictures and sound effects like movies, it sores over the latter by it’s high intimacy, and researcher  the largest number of people at the shortest possible time. He added that any exposure through two or more sensory organs has a better chance of registering the message and this could convince people better.

Historically, the development of the televisions industry in Nigeria was made possible mainly through the imitative of the regional governments set up by the colonial governments. Thus Okunna (1993) says that “the politics of Nigeria just before independence placed more emphasis on developing the regions than the center. Television became the innovation that was to enhance the pace of regional development.

The regional government owned and operated the Western Nigerian television in Ibadan, the Eastern Nigeria television in Enugu, the radio – television in Kaduna. These stations were to serve as a veritable instrument of influence and dominable in these regions like (1990). Then broadcasting outfits, in the century were established to inform, educate and to entertain the general public. The notion of making profits through the broadcasting industry was never paramount in the minds of the operators.

However, with the deregulating of the industry, the quest for profit making heightened. Adaba (1990) accepts the view when he says that “in brief Africa broadcasting is moving from trustee sling model predicated on the principles of public interest, convenience and necesarity, where it was a ward of state authority, to the deregulated or market place model where market forces and consumer interest are  paramount. The principle of public ensures that the  programmes by the television houses are people oriented”.

            The cardinal objectives of these stations were this.

  1. Forgoing notions of disparate ethnic nationalities which were brought together for colonizers convince.

They found broadcasting a full to forgoing an identity a channel for stimulating national dialogue and consensus, even a market place for the nascent local production of goods and services.

  1. Reviewing and restructuring their dependent economic status.
  2. Reviewing their cultural identity and dignity, which were under assault.
  3. Attempting to indigenize the art of governance.
  4. Above all, to attend to the information and educational needs of the general public and to provides unhindered access of all to the broadcasting media

However, the commercialization  of the broadcasting media will make it impossible for news of general appeal to be relayed without it being paid for. it is a situation whereby a development oriented news will be discarded simply because it has not been paid for while a local party on the birthday ceremony of a local party chieftain will be greatly featured.



The primary function of the Nigeria press council is to review development likely to restrict the flow of information and advice on measures aimed at remedying such development. The code of ethnics for Nigeria journalist (1996) says in its article 12 that “ a journalist shall promote universal principles of human rights, democracy, justice, equity, peace and international understanding. the same document says that to demand for payment for the publication of news is inimical to the notion  of news as a fairly accurate, unbiased and factual report of event.

The cruicial question topose at this juncture is this- why must  broadcast industry be commercialized? The answer lies in the fact that the outcomes of the deregulation of the broadcast industry is the commercialization of the sector to enable the privately owned broadcasting media to survive operationally. Private ownership of radio and television came into effect in 1992 following the deregulation decree established by the Ibrahim Babangida administration.

All the same time, the government owned broadcasting media which now  faces fierce competition form the privately  owned broadcasting media, need to commercialize it’s news and programmes to survive.

Similarly, the advert of democratic institutions demand that the government should water down it’s interference in the management and running of the broadcast industry. To achieve this feat, the state and federal governments are not expected to fund the broadcast industry Okunna (1999) says that “the funding of the broadcasting institutions by the government is an aberration of the democratic ideal.

The multinational are becoming bigger and richer and they use their financial strengths in persuading the television stations into accepting their advertisement.

Nwosu (1990) supports this assertion when h writes that multinational like the Nigerian Bottling company pay the television  firms to lie to the audience. The growth in international advertisement leads to the debasement of our cultures and the inherent conflict in our broadcasting establishment. For instance, most of the television smokers are liable to die young but they will go ahead to advertise such product. This is because they need the money to survive in a way harsh economy.

In essence the commercialization of the broadcast industry has over time dwarfed the vergimed intentions of both the government and the general public. The research intends to establish, if such problem still persist.



The objectives of the study are as follows:

  1. To examine the nature of the relationship between the commercialization television programmes and he perception of the viewing public.
  2. To establish the impact of commercialization on journalists working in the broadcast industry.
  3. To identify the key players or  participants in the commercialization process in an effort to pinpoint their underling motives.
  4. To ascertain if the commercialization has reached an alarming stage and the general impact on the psychic of the general public.



The values of this research work as follows

  1. It will assist in understanding the impact of commercialization of T.V programmes on viewers the society and to the broadcasting industry.
  2. It is timely bearing in mind that the recent democratization of the  country opened both the local and international media for advertisement and their mode of implication shall be achieved by the research work.
  3. The present research will assist researchers in the area of mass communication in confirming or rejecting other theories relating to the effects of mass communication.


  1. Research hypothesis

Hi: commercialization of television programmes does not allow broadcasters to be truthful and objectives in their reporting.

Ho: commercialization of television programmes does  allow broadcasters to be truthful and objectives in their reporting.

H2: commercialization of television programmes effects negatively the way television viewers perceive it’s programmes.

H2: commercialization of television programmes does not effects negatively the way television viewers perceive it’s programmes

H3: commercialization of television programmes hampers of social services functions of the television medium

Ho: commercialization of television programmes does not  hampers of social services functions of the television medium

H4: commercialization of television programmes debases the culture and makes irrelevant products and services desirable



Most researchers in the social science domain are conducted by human beings. Human beings do not easily subject themselves to study. In other words, the survey research used in this study has some shortfalls.

Moreover, the use of the questionnaires as an instrument of data collection permits the collection of unreliable data  due to the fact that there is variance between answers and actual behaviour in human beings





  1. Operational definition


  1. Conceptual definition: The payment made and received by a firm to carry out an action for the total benefits of the person who paid.
  2. Operational definition: The sell of programme by Nigeria television authority NTA, Enugu to advertisers who now determine how and when  such programmes should be relayed.

ii.       Broadcasting organization

  1. conceptual definition: Any mass communication establishment that makes use of the electro-m-aquatic wave or spectrum is disseminating information  to viewers.
  2. Operational definition. Nigerian television authority (NTA), Enugu

iii.        Effects

  1. Conceptual definition – The impact of commercialization  of television programmes on the broadcasters.

b.   Operational definition: the impact of NTA Enugu’s  commercialization  of it’s programmes on various resident Enugu

Iv.  performance

  1. Conceptual definition: The overall discharge of journalistic duties by a  broadcasting outfit.
  2.  Operational definition: the overall discharge of journalistic duties by broadcaster in NTA Enugu

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