An Assessment Of Mass Media’s Role In The Campaign Against Drug Abuse In Nigeria
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An Assessment Of Mass Media’s Role In The Campaign Against Drug Abuse In Nigeria
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This work was done to final  out the assessment of the mass media’s role in the campaign against  drug abuse, because drug abuse has become a serious problem  we are facing  both in Nigeria and in other parts of  the world. The objectives of this research  is to find out if drug abuse has increased crime rate in Nigeria, to find out if the mass media is performing  their functions effectively, its assessment in the campaign  against drug abuse in Nigeria and what impression people have about drug abuse in Nigeria.A critical  review of related  literature  was made. The  methodology used, the research  design, sample, the method of data collection and analysis  is found  in chapter three.        Chapter four is devoted to the analysis of  data collected  and results of the research. Tables were used in the results.

        Chapter five contains the summary of the study and the recommendations for further study.

                TABLE OF CONTENTS



  1. Background of the Study                             1
  2. Statement of  the Research   problem           4
  3. Objective of the Study                                 6
  4. Significance  of the Study                            6
  5. Research  Questions                                   7
  6. Research Hypothesis                                   8
  7. Conceptual and Operational definition           9
  8. Assumptions                                              10
  9. Limitation of the Study                                11


  1. Sources of Literature                                   12
  2. The Review                                                        12
  3. Summary  of Literature  review                    21



  1. Research  method                                      22
  2. Research design                                         23
  3. Research  Sample                                       23
  4. Measuring Instrument                                 24
  5. Data collection                                            26
  6. Data  Analysis                                            26
  7. Expected Results                                        27


  1. Data  Analysis                                            28
  2. Results                                                      39
  3. Discussion                                                 39



  1. Summary                                                   42

  2. Recommendations  for further Study             43

Bibliography                                                    44

Appendix  A: Letter of Introduction                     46

Appendix    B: Questionnaire.                               47





There  is no limit to the study of media and society. Media and society as  a  subject covers a wide  range  of issues. Communication has  a lot to do with the  individual.  It effects and defects are so notable that they  cannot be swept  under the carpet. Media  and  society are interwoven and nether  of them can  exist without the other. But first of all, what  is communication?

        Fiske (1990) defines communication as “social  interaction through message” Jaya- weera (1991) sees it as an interaction process through which persons or groups relate  to  each  other and share information, experience  and culture.  Looking at the above  definitions communication can be said to be the transferring  or transmitting of ideas, attitudes  and information from one person  to anther. Okunna (1999) throws  more light on the above  assertion  when she says “to communicate basically means  to share ideas  information, opinions , feelings or experiences  between people?

        According  to Okunna (1999) the mass media perform a number of functions, which benefit the individual  as a member  of a society. She   goes  on to say that these  functions  range from serious informational and educational functions   to lighter functions like entertainment.

        The  functions of the  mass media in the  society includes  .

1.     Information:-This is the  constant stream of  information about event in the society. Among the  positive consequence of this  function is the guidance it gives to the individuals in his or her daily life.

2.   Interpretation :-This is the function of  appropriately interpreting news  and information in such as way as to avoid over sensitization and induce appropriate or necessary action. It includes prescribing  what  to do, how to do it and why it is necessary.

3.     Education:- The mass media   help unify  society and increases  social cohesion by upholding  teaching a broad base of  common  social norms  values  and collective experiences. The mass media  do this transmission mainly through  informal education (unconscious learning) and non- formal education (conscious attempt to impart knowledge outside  the formal  school system).



4.     Entertainment:-This is  the mass media function that  is geared towards  providing  some diversion and  amusement, relaxation and respite.

        The mass media is known as the watch dog of the society and with the information and education function, it  will be known if the  mass media  has played roles in the campaign against   drug abuse  in Nigeria. This is because like the dry  rot that  eats away  the wooden beams of  a  house, drugs can corrode  the whole  structure  of society. For human society to function properly, it must  have stable families, healthy  workers, trustworthy governments, honest polices and law abiding  citizens . Drugs  corrupt every one of these fundamental elements.The home however  is probably where drugs  do the  most damage. Parents who  are distracted  by their craving for drugs rarely provide their  children with a  stable home life. Many children who grow up in this environment  take to the  streets or even get involved in  drugs themselves.



Drug abuse has become rampant in our  society and this has  posed a problem because a society filled  with   filled with drug  addicts and drug dependents cannot move forward. A nation filled with people who misuse, abuse or are addicted to drugs will have  a high rate of increase in crime, prostitution etc. it also  makes way for  drug traffic kicking in the society. It constitutes  a major public health hazard and is a part of general  and  social disorganization we see around us that is, breeds comatose  patients, and various melody cases  that constitute  the urban  eyeore that dent the image of a nation. It contributes significantly to breakdown of law and  order and  establishment of various circles of abuses, deficiency, criminality and further abuse. Drug abuse  has also  led to the diversion of scarce resources to cure addicts, and to rehabilitate them, building  of psychiatric  hospitals, breakdown  of societal norms and values, leading to up heavily, anarchy and other  vices in the society, posing  more problem than to be solved. Such problems call for in-depth  research to help  salvage the situation   to avoid  the set back it created for our society and this has to be done with the help of the mass media in order to inform and educate  the people on what that  effects of drug  abuse can cause to the society, and to the people  involved .




In the research statement, I  highlighted  some of the  problems which called for the research. The objectives of this study thus includes:

a.     To find out if drug  abuse has increased crime rate in Nigeria.

b.     To investigate how fa

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