How Existing Laws And Ethics In Nigeria Affects The Operations Of The Journalist
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How Existing Laws And Ethics In Nigeria Affects The Operations Of The Journalist
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The thrust of this research project is to determine how existing laws and ethics in Nigeria affects the operations of the journalists. This is the goal of this study hence it is apthy titled. The reason behind this was the realization of laws and ethics as essentials of journalism, but repressive laws and non-adherence to the ethics of the profession are cost in the wheil of achieving responsible and viable  journalism practice. This work is divided into five chapters. Chapter one focused on the background of study and fundamental frameworks for arriving at a valid and reliable scientific inquiring. Chapter two dealt with literature review the purpose to glean from releant literature in order to place the study within the perspective of accumulated scholarly and  intellectual knowledge. Chapter three covered the research methodology that guided the study. Chapter four encompasses the presentation of relevant data and analysis. Four hypothesis were tested using chi-square goodness of fat test. The four hypothesis formulated and test received empirical and statistical support. The validation of the hypothesis is an indicator or dissatisfaction of existing laws in the country by journalists and appreciations of ethics as desirable self control mechanism.





  1. Background of study                                   1
  2. Statement of research problem                    1
  3. Objectives of study                                     5
  4. Significance of study                                   5
  5. Research questions                                     6
  6. Hypothesis                                                 7
  7. Conceptual and operational definition of terms9
  8. Assumption                                                        15
  9. Limitation of the study                                 15            


  1. sources of literature                                    17
  2. the review                                                 17
  3. the summary of literature review                  35


  1. research method                                                38
  2. research design                                          39
  3. research sample                                         39
  4. measuring instrument                                 40
  5. data collection                                            41
  6. data analysis and interpretation                    42
  7. expected results                                         43



  1. analysis of data                                          44
  2. presentation of results                                
  3. discussion of findings                                  52


  1. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS             53
  2. RECOMMENDATION                            54

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                           57

APPENDIX                                                 59


                                                                                        CHAPTER ONE



The Nigerian press started with the establishment of Iwe Irohim in Abeokuta by Reverend Henry Townsend in 1859. during that period, other pioneers who followed the foot steps of Townsend were dexendarits of freed slaves from sierraleon who had settled in Lagos. They contributed greatly to the Nigerian press. Since they operated under the colonial government, it was natural that their newspaper became vehicles for purchasing independence and liberalization in the governance of the country.

        According to Onu (1979), the press during colonial rule attacked many policies and personalities in the government. As media criticisms mounted, measures to and the assumed press excesses became inevitable. In other words, the history of the Nigerian press law shows that the laws were not really there when the press first started. The first known law came into existence in 1903. this was the newspaper ordinance No. 10 of 1903, which contained provisions for regulating the publications news paper in what was the northern Nigeria, as there was practically no circulation in northern Nigeria at that time. But with the passage of time, the press in Nigeria has passed through various governments; colonial, military and civilian. And t he governments have always enacted come regulations laws and decrees to guide against what is termed the excesses of the press. The press all over the world is regards as powerful instrument for social change. Governments across the globe dread them. They can bring leaders and can as well be a powerful resource for leaders. Right from the colonial period till date, the controversy surrounding the power and the effects of media is not  abating. Uwnah (1991) made the following evaluations of the Nigeria press from the colonial era to the present.

1.     The press in colonial Nigeria ………. Was powerful as they fought for civil rights and liberties for Nigerians. The press also apitated for equal employment opportunities and political independence.

2.     The press during independence …….. Nigeria was pre-occuped with the enhancement of regional autonomies the promotion of the sectional independence, tribal and individual interests. These selfish goals severely affected the success and performance of the independent press.

3.     The press during t he civil was………was propargandist, partisan and subjective.

4.     The press in Gowon, Murtala/obasanjo regimes…… was characterized by press psychophancy and recklessness.

5.     The press in the second republic was …..highly political partisan, press psychophancy was so pervasive that objectively, truthfulness, fair comments and criticisms were relegated to the background….. press partisanship and psycholphancy contributed to economic, social, moral and political decadence of Nigeria.

        The foregoing clearly defines the overwhelming need for journalists to exhibit the highest professional standards in Nigerian journalism Bel-Molokwu et al (1990) supports this thesis thus; “ It behaves all mass  communication, more so, the fledglins of the field, to try to understand, even if superficially, what standards are expected of them not only by their colleagues and employers, but by the society at large. Though on professionalism in mass communication dates back to the earliest days of journal writers and even the early philosophers  pontifed at length about what type of conduct, what compartment, what moral standards, what ethical streams should guide the writers and what societal stance should behave the journalists”. From a historical perspective, Amataokwu (1989) wrote, “ awareness of the constraints which the rejectable history has put on mature and open minded press would persuade the journalist to see the need to rise above the fanlty instructions of historical establishment  of a press that is divided by sectional considerations, and move towards a nation-oriented press”.

        In journalism, the ethics and laws that are there to achieve self regulation are as old as the journalism profession itself. So the pivotal aim is to determine the extent to which these laws and ethics impinge on the practice of journalism profession.



i.      To find out how ethics and laws affect the practice of journalism in the country.

ii.      To see if it is possible to find a middle-ground so that the government and the press will see each other as partners in progress.

iii.     To determine the extent to which the ethical standard are necessary inspite of numerous press laws, for the practice of journalism.



The study is significant in the following ways:

i.      It will be of great benefit to journalist to academics and to other mass communication professionals.

ii.      It will shed light on areas of government pres conflicts with a view of finding an equitable co-existence.

iii.     the study will contribute towards building an independent, objective and socially responsible press, by highlighting constraints to press freedom and advocating measures to bring about that.


The pertinent questions this study will address are:

  1. Why is it that successive governments in Nigeria have always attempted to muzzle the press?
  2. What are the effects of press laws on media contents?
  3. Are Nigerian governments faithful to the ethics of their profession?
  4. Are ethical standards necessary for the practice of journalism Inspite of numerous press laws?
  5. Why do government go beyond using press laws to employ extra- judicial powers in dealing with press?

NOTE; H1 => positive hypothesis

           H0 => Negative/Null hypothesis

Hi existing laws have turned the press into mere megaphones of the government

H0 existing laws have not turned the press into mere megaphones of the government

H1 Ethics helps to regulate and sunitize.

According to Okunna (1995), the concept of ethics has a very long history dating back perhaps to the beginning of human existence. Philosophers believe that the concept of moral, must have existed in more or less unreflective forum, from the time of living in group by human beings initially.

        In all t he countries of the world that have media organizations, regulatory bodies are in existence to help in regulating and overlooking the conduct of these organistions.

This body is known in Nigeria as the Nigeria mass media commission.

Ethics is concerned mainly with the values of human conduct set by journalists actions in determining what is “right” or “wrong”, “good” or “bad”.

        These ethical standards set by men and laws tend to put journalists under pressure. Ethics unlike laws only have the force of moral suasion. Evidence and abound of violations by the journalists. Like every situation concerning human institutions, there is no perfect situation. Ethics are ideas that appeal to reason and conscience.

The effects of these laws and ethics on journalism professional practice is what the researcher  tends to find out, so that at the end, the society will know if the press is trying to live up to it’s expectation or if their investigative powers is muzzled by the government they set out to serve.



There are so many definitions of ethics and laws. Some say ethics also define laws as rules made by the government itself. Going by these definitions, you will notice that journalists have lots of regulation around them in order to achieve ends that are not against those regulations.  The result is that the press is no longer disposed to give in-depth account of events to the people neither can it comment objectively on certain important national issues. Most of what we have in our nation today are mere praise songs of the government and it’s officials, and if the press tries to do otherwise, journalism as a professional practice will be jeopardized of a community: rule of conduct or actions prescribed or formality recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority.

Operational: The number of binding rules enforceable in the law courts that impinge on the practice of journalism in Nigeria.


conceptual; Rules and principles prescribed for conduct.

Operational :The number of laws and guiding principles that affect the operations of the press in Nigeria.


conceptual: An acceptable situation devoid of unpleasant and undesired features.

Operational: The degree to which journalism ethics foster pleasant atmosphere for practicing journalism in Nigeria.

7.     HAMPER;

conceptual: To restrict the movement of bends or obstacles, impede, to interfere with the operation of disrupt.

Operational: The number of restrictive laws that disrupts the operational of Nigerian newspapers and magazines


conceptual : The ability to actor produce effect in contravention of due process of law.

Operational : the degree of arrest and detention of journalists without nial, science of newspapers and magazines by security agents and other violations of fundamental human and legal right  of journalisms practice in Nigeria.


conceptual: Established customs or general consent as a model or example accepted by a professional group as a basis of conduct.

Operational: The level of conformity to the accepted professional standards

of conduct by Nigeria journalists.


conceptual: Rules of conduct or action affecting the gathering and publishing or broadcasting of news prescribed or formality recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority.

Operational: The number of laws the practice of journalism in the country.

H0 Ethics do not help to regulate and sanitize the practice of journalism in the country

Hi Existing laws in the country tend to hamper journalism practice.

H0 Existing laws in the country do not tend to hamper journalism in the country.

Hi It is expedient for government to employ extra-judicial powers than resort to laws courts in dealing with the press.

H0 It is not expedient for government to employ extra-judicial powers than to resort to laws courts, in dealing with the press.

H1 Successive governments attempt at muzzling the press is in order to maintain legitimacy and remain in power.


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