Mass Media Coverage Of Rural Development News. A Content Analytical Study Of The Guardian, Daily Champion, Punch And Daily Star Newspapers
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Mass Media Coverage Of Rural Development News. A Content Analytical Study Of The Guardian, Daily Champion, Punch And Daily Star Newspapers
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Suffice it to say that a lot  of research  has been made in the  area  of  the role of Mass Commutation / media in national development as well as rural development.     The incontrovertible  point has  been that there can be no meaningful national development without rural development . as an off shoot  and most integral part of a country, the need  for priority in rural  transformation cannot be over   emphasized.    The mass media as a vehicle for information gathering and  dissemination has  a  major  role to play in the area of rural development. In the  light of the  above, the researcher  close the topic mass media coverage of   Rural Development   News; A content Analysis of The Champion, Guardian, Pointer and daily Star Newspapers.         This is  in view  that the  finding and conclusions derived from this study will go a long way to determine the contributions and impact of the nations mass  media (particularly  Newspapers) in the area of rural development and at the same time make useful suggestions for the attainment of desirable  results in this aspect.




  1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                              1
  3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK                                5
  4. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY                                  7
  5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                             9
  6. RESEARCH QUESTIONS                                       11
  7. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES                                    12

OF TERMS                                                         13

  1. LIMITATION OF STUDY                                       17



  1. INTRODUCTION                                                 18
  2. REVIEW OF EXISTING LITERATURE                      19
  3. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND /ASPECT                  24
  4. EMPIRICAL ASPECTS                                           26
  5. SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW                     29


  1. RESEARCH METHOD                                           32
  2. UNIVERSE AND TARGET POPULATION                  33
  3. RESEARCH SAMPLE SIZE                                     35
  4. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE                                       36
  5. SOURCES OF DATA                                             37
  6. INSTRUMENT FOR DATA COLLECTION                  37
  7. METHOD OF ANALYSIS DATA                               38
  8. MEASURES TO ENSURE VALIDITY                        38




  1. INTRODUCTION                                                 40
  2. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION                       41


  1. SUMMARY                                                          52
  2. CONCLUSION                                                     54
  3. RECOMMENDATION                                            56
  4. AREAS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH                         59

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                           61

APPENDIX                                                                 64

CODE CATEGORIES                                                     65

CODING INSTRUCTIONS                                             65

CODING SHEET                                                          67






To achieve National development, rural development is a Sine- quanon that  can not be  jettisoned. The hope of developing  Nigeria and all other  developing countries lie in the development of our rural areas.

The mass media stands out as “filler” of the communication gab between the  government and the rural dwellers on one  end and the urban and  rural populace  on the  other end.  By this, the mass media (especially community Oriented  ones) succeeds in making the  rural citizens active participants of  the government of the  day as they become aware of polices and programmes of the government and equally work towards being  benefactors of these policies and programmes. By and large, wide publication of rural  development news will undoubtedly serve  as a catalyst in bringing about meaningful development to rural communities, which will in turn boost or improve on the  standard of living .

        With improved living  standard   for the  rural populace, the age-long  problem of  rural-urban migration would be drastically abated. When this is done, there will be a rational development  in the country, a situation that gives room for a  comfortable harnessing of both mineral as well as  human resources in their places of    existence.

        A careful observation of the quality  of life of rural dwellers vis-à-vis that of urban dwellers in the country shows that not much has been done by the government to improve on the lot of the rural masses. The emphasis has been on urban development.

        The mass media  has a role to play in rural   development through the level, quantity as well as quality of rural development news it disseminates.

        The fact that our rural communities stand out as the  food basket of the nation can not  be  thrown aside and for this, it becomes imperative that these  rural arrears be given important  place in the  scheme of information.

        Besides, development of  rural areas is an inevitable and  indispensable condition for diversification of the indispensable condition for diversification  of the economy. And  equitable  distribution  of wealth and social  amenities  is the only  panacea  for urban- rural migration with  it’s alternant problems of over population, hunger, moral decadence, pollution, out break of epidemics, insecurity;  unhealthy  living, inadequate accommodation and high cost of living.

        It is against this background that the  researcher embarked on this study mass media coverage  of rural Development news A content   Analysis     of the champion Guardian, pointer & Daily star newspapers.



This study  is geared towards the Nigerian  mass media and the extent to which they cover rural development news, with a view of determining the level  of commitment of the  nation’s press towards rural transformation  and emancipation from the   doldrums  and shackles of poverty, low standard of living, illiteracy, Unemployment,  epidemic and diseases.

        In the  absence of community Newspaper like the  “community concord” purely devoted to the coverage of rural activities, this  research work is  pre-occupied with the task of  ascertaining whether the amount and quality of rural news carried by urban mass media (with special concentration on the newspaper) are sufficient and capable enough to bring the much desirable development in the rural communities .

        Using  four newspaper as a point of reference, the study in set to find out  the  reasons for the low coverage of rural news by Nigerian Newspapers with reference to such factors ass the location of the newspaper and ownership.


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