The Effect Of Credit Recovery On The Performance Of NACRDB
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The Effect Of Credit Recovery On The Performance Of NACRDB
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In this abstract the effect of loan recovery on the performance of Nigeria agricultural cooperative and rural development bank (NARCRDB) is the topic and also the objective of the study includes how the scale farmers dwelled with Nigerian agricultural and rural development bank and also to know how the farmers finance their farming. More also, the objective of the study touches the loan given to the farmers is adequate or not. In conclusion, non recovery of agriculture loan are caused mainly by two broadly rated problems. They are the farmers problems and bank government rated problems. In recommendations in order to reduce the problems, sale farmers, it is however, worth to make some specific recommendations aimed at reducing the effect of this problems on the bank’s operations. More also education of farmers borrowers, need for intensive pre-loan analysis etc.





1.0     Background of the essay         -        -        -        -        -        1

Objectives of the essay  -        -        -        -        -        4

Significance of the essay          -        -        -        -        -        5

Scope of the essay         -        -        -        -        -        -        7

Limitation of the essay  -        -        -        -        -        8

Definition of terms         -        -        -        -        -        -        9



Literature review

2.0     Introduction                   -        -        -        -        -        -        13

2.1     Meaning of NACRDB   -        -        -        -        -        -        23

2.2     The aspect of NACRDB          -        -        -        -        -        24

2.3     Summary of literature review -        -        -        -        28




Summary, conclusion and Recommendations     

Summary    -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        29

Conclusion -        -        -        -        -        -        -        31

Recommendations-        -        -        -        -        -        -        35

Reference -  -        -        -        -        -       -        -        37





The administration of credit can be regarded as important to financial institutions in any economy. Consequently the formulation and implementation of bound credit policies among the most crucial responsibilities of management in any financial institution. Thus this formulation of a sound credit policy is a necessary condition if financial institutions are to attain their objectives to serve the public in an efficient manner and more importantly, ensure the safety of their funds. An articulate credit management policy not only seeks to balance profit ability with liquidity but in doing so, it is expected to determine to whom credit must be granted, how to ensure successful recovery. (I Yowu 1985).

The achievement of an efficient credit management entails an element of subject judgment.

Abdullahi (1993) posited that “in order” to arrive at a good judgment there is a need to evaluate the cannons of lending or the five’s of credit namely condition, character, capacity, capital and collateral.


Nigeria Agricultural cooperative and rural development bank (NACRDB) was established on the 24th November 1972 and went into operation on 6th March 1973 its establishment was hinged on the now enhanced vindicated conviction that the bank will enhance the income level of farmers and this make farming more attractive. Today (NACRDAB) started as the Nigeria Agricultural bank ltd (NAB) and actually took it’s new name in 1978 at the instance of the Nigerian government. this in the government view was to reflect more vividly, the bank commitment to Agricultural development through the promotion and financing of co-operates the general consensus however, was that these credit financing institutions, failed die to some factors. Agricultural experts say these factors ranged political interference, inefficient project, appraised monitoring and supervision, the low coverage of the farming population, trade quite funding adoption of the excessively rigid and time consuming procedures for processing loans application, low loan recovery and untimely loan disbursement, the loans institutional lending consisting of such informal sources as money lenders, friends relations and thrift societies, took advantage of the weakness of these institutional lenders to change exorbitant rate themselves which the government commissioned a number of studies which finally culminated in the world bank stonenam report of 1969. The report recommended among other things the establishment of a National Agricultural credit institution, whose major function would be the provision of credit to farmer so as to exterminate the major impediment to agricultural development in Nigeria.

And after 22 years of existence (NACRDB) can unequivocally be said to have lived up to these objectives it has provided diverse credits to improve the whole ambit of the country’s agricultural and agro business. Thus, the (NACRDB) of today is a welcome relief to Nigerian farmers, the banks inauguration market an important land mark in the history of the nation’s agricultural development and it is has continued to serve as a national financing institution devoted industry to investing in all aspect of the agricultural industry. And more importantly, it has continued to serve as a source of fund to Nigeria farmers.



          The following are the objectives of the extended essay;

TO find out the beneficiaries of NACRDB loan.

To find out the rate of loan repayment and its consistency

To find out how NACRDB loan is disbursed to its beneficiaries.

To make the essay work the basis upon which other essay writers can improve upon.


The relevance of any essay work to the society being studied and the economic work of the nation lies or the qualify of the work carried out.

Nevertheless, Nigeria Agricultural cooperative and rural development bank (NACRDB) Kaduna was assessed by the then Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon (Rtd) at its launching in 1973 as also concerned on the validity of the conception it has become a household name, in agricultural financing might be a risky venture, but that it will be the magnitude of agricultural development of  the national economy in the long run.

The essay will serve as means of appraising the agricultural sector as to determine if the aims and objectives are being met to other financial institutions it will serve as a means of estimating their contribution to the overall economic development of the small scale farmers in particular and the larger scale farmer (exporters) in general through the different loan schemes. To this end, we will be also to see if their different schemes are meeting the expectations required to them and to suggest remedies where they are found wanting.

To farmers, the paper will serve as a means of creating much needed awareness as regards the different ways that they can meet up with their commitments to the bank and in making the bank continue to assist irrespective of the various schemes it is involved in this work will also serve as a reminder to other financial institution other than NACRDB of the need to extend their activities to the venture of agricultural financing sector of the economy that concentrating only on the banking aspect.

Finally, this paper will serve as a guide of enlightening the general populace of the importance of agricultural financing and suggesting ways and strategies of reducing the risk involved in loan.


The essay is limited to NACRDB Head office that is to took into the operations, problems and prospect of loan recovery techniques in NACRDB.


Nigeria Agricultural cooperative and rural development bank (NACRDB) is chosen for study being the single most important financial institution in the country lending support and effect governments policies on agriculture. Based on this premise, any conclusion, inferences and recommendation arising from this study are likely to apply to other financial institutions that give loan for agriculture the study will also focus on how the different loan scheme of the social and economy will being of the beneficiaries.


The study requires some quality and full concentration which it has not been able to get due to the following factors:

Time constraint:  The time to carry out this study is too short because there are other school activities that prevent me form devoting my whole time unto the research. Activities such as lectures, assignments and tests etc.

Financial constraint:  The researcher had to go for various research to get materials needed for this work but due to financial constraints, the researcher was unable to go too far to get the materials. Also, the researcher needed to buy some vital printed materials, transport herself to various libraries in Kaduna town but due tot financial constraint, the researcher was unable. This factor limited me for giving my best. But despite those short coming the research was able to overcome the limitations by getting some materials necessary to accomplish the objectives and make the research work a reality.



In this essay it is only NACRDB which the full meaning in the Nigerian agricultural cooperative and rural development bank

Credit: The provision of money, goods or services with the expectation of future payment i.e. long-term also money, goods or services provided.

Administration: The execution of public affairs as distinguished from policy making.

Debt: Is the credit received by a borrower from a prime lender who may be a formed or informal financial institutions.

Asset: The entire properly of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts.

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