Computerized Audit System: Issues, Problems And Prospects
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Computerized Audit System: Issues, Problems And Prospects
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This research work “Computerized Audit System: Issues, Problems and Prospects” (A Case Study of Akintola Williams Deloitte Abuja). Tries to examine the advantages of computerized auditing. To assess the computerized audit procedure in Akintola Williams Deloitte and see how they combat fraud and errors. The methods of data collection used were the primary and secondary sources. Simple percentage used to analyze the research questions. Senior Auditors 40%, Middle class Auditors 40% and Management 20%. The computerized auditing is however not totally lost because since it aids the auditor to discover and advise claims on areas where profitable investment can be made and areas where problems are likely to arise. The computer aim of auditing firm should be made to produce a computer system manual to enable the auditor develop a relevant audit computerized system.




Chapter One


  1. Background of the study                                                     1
  2. Statement of the Problem                                                  4
  3. Hypothesis                                                                            4      
  4. Objective of the study                                                                   5
  5. Scope of the study                                                                6
  6. Significance of the study                                                     6
  7. Delimitations                                                                        7
  8. Definition of Terms                                                             8


Chapter Two

Literature Review

  1. Introduction                                                                          11
    1. Application programs                                                                   14
    2. Utility program                                                                    15
    3. Auditor Developed programs                                             15
    4. Auditing around the computer                                          16
  2. Impact of computer audit on auditors                              18
  3. Control over computer use                                                 19
  4. Computer application and tasks for audit                       20
  5. Issues involved in computer audit                                    23
  6. Implication of the auditor                                                   28
  7. Sample computer audit procedure                                    29
  8. Risks associated with computer                                        30


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

  1. Methods of data collection                                                  35
  2. Data analysis techniques                                                   36
  3. Research Assumptions                                                       39


Chapter Four

Data Analysis and Presentation 

  1. Data analysis                                                                       40
  2. Schedule for testing of hull hypothesis                                      56
  3. Contingency table for testing null hypothesis                58
  4. Decision rule                                                                         60


Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

  1. Summary                                                                               62
  2. Conclusion                                                                                      64
  3. Recommendations                                                               65

Reference                                                                              67

Appendix                                                                               69




Computerized Auditing System: A computer is an electronic device, which works faster than the ordinary human brain. Although a computer has no brain of its own to reason like a human being, it has in-built memories that enable it perform complex mathematical problems as fast as possible, faster than the human brain. The background of computing aids can be traced to China where merchants first made use of ABACUS, while the history of modern day computers is traced to French where Pascal in 1642 invented the First Machine for doing the four fundamental operations of arithmetic in money. This was improved upon by Hervrith in 1671 and recommended for use in the large volume of astronomical calculations required at that time. The first analoque computer was derived from Kelvin Tidal analysis for producing tides.


Since the first office computer LED Ilyans end co-electronic Office was introduced in 1953, machine have increased on speed, reliability and new used in wide range of application without any change in the fundamental principles. The introduction of computer has made accounting such as auditing easier and quicker to perform. The computer is capable of performing a months transaction of auditing work of an organization in a few hours thus reducing the job of the Auditor. This auditor need to learn about computer programming or at least should be able to follow the transaction trail up to the paint where they are keyed into the computer in form of input since there is usually a Loss of Visible Evidence (LOVE) during operation. The Auditor should be able to relate the input to output. It is also advisable for an Auditor to take a course in computer programming in output data in course of his audit trail.


The fast developing of technology, paper transactions are fast disappearing, consequently, source documents are less available. The introduction and adoption of computer to the Auditor business has led to revolution in data processing methods. They have served as a catalyst to auditing world in the area of efficient, effectiveness, timely and accurate operation of business.From the foregoing, computerized audit as a way of checking the efficiency and accuracy of data procedures present a fascinating study. An audit is an independent or objective examination of the financial statement of an entity and the expression of an opinion. It could be inferred that the primary reason of conducting an audit is to enable the Auditor make a report to the effect that the financial statement as prepared by officers of an establishment gives a true and fair view, otherwise to what extent they disagree with the report. The auditor along side help to ascertain compliance of the organization to operational policies and prescribed standard. This is aimed at increasing the acceptability, dependability and usefulness of financial statement.



The research will be concerned with the problems faced by auditors and will offer solution to them. Those problems are:

  1. Complexity of the computer systems
  2. Non-existence of visible evidence
  3. Possibility of systematic errors
  4. Non retention of files and data
  5. Lack of audit trail. The tracing of individual transaction through the system from source to completion.



Hi:     A computerized accounting has a significant influence on the auditor

Ho:    A computerized accounting system has no significant influence on the auditor.



In line with the above purpose of the study some questions are design to enable the research address the issue. These questions are:

  1. What are the causes of the problem in computerized system of auditing?
  2. How will the auditor carry out his auditing functions in a computerized system?
  3. What are the impacts of computerized system and the Auditor function
  4. Is there any need for Auditors in a computerized system
  5. Would it be easy for Auditors to detect computer fraud using computerized system?
  6. How would the computer system influence opinion of Auditors?
  7. Are Auditors function affected by the use of computers?



The purpose of the research is as follows:

  1. To examine the advantages of audit
  2. To examine the computer audit
  3. To examine the responsibilities of Auditors in a computerized environment.
  4. To access the computerized procedure in Akintola Williams Deloitte and see how they combat fraud and errors.



This research work is conducted with computerized audit approach as it is obtained at Akintola Williams Deloitte. It also emphasizes on the assessment of computerized procedure in achieving effectiveness and efficiency in audit operations. Included is the analysis of the problems associated with the new computerized system of auditing firms in relation to its effects in the operation of the firms.


The significance of the study is derived from the impact of computerized auditing system and also the value ascribed to it by the society.

The study has a significant impact on auditors.

Impact on Auditors

It will consider computerized auditing system, records auditing system, records and accurate way of applying computer in keeping records in Akintola Williams Deloitte Abuja.

The decision makers will also immensely from the appropriate information would be available for decision making and planning.

The researcher will also find the significance of the project in their quest for knowledge and also as a useful contribution to their field of study.

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