Design And Implementation Of Computerized Budget Analysis System (Case Study Of Enugu State Ministry Of Finance)
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Design And Implementation Of Computerized Budget Analysis System (Case Study Of Enugu State Ministry Of Finance)
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Design And Implementation Of Computerized Budget Analysis System (Case Study Of Enugu State Ministry Of Finance)


 A budget being the planning of how to spend revenues and incoming capitals so this makes is necessary to make sure that it is done with extra care. Budgets and the methods of preparing a good one has been a problem to most organization both private and government, the implementation of a faulty budget has brought man companies to a close door point were all operations are stopped. Therefore budget design needs to be accurate and able to give account for every dime spent and on what this money was spent and also give an accurate account and allocation of money to the various departments of the body in study.


I will in this work determine how the ministry of finance Enugu State generates its own revenue and hoe they use this money which it generates. It is important that there should be a reliable system of automated capital  budget system for every organization and this method is to be computerized for easy flow of work and generation of accurate reports.


          The research study is divided into chapter the chapter present the main topic of discussion in the project.

CHAPTER ONE: This is the introductory part of the project showing why I have undertaken the project, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, aims and objective delimitations, limitation are stated. Also the terms relevant to me research write up are defined.

CHAPTER TWO : The review of related literature here, various works done by previous researches that relates to the project topic are discussed the historical evolution of the budget system to the computer age of present. Some process taking towards computerized, process and the hindrances to the application of computers are discussed.


CHAPTER THREE : Description and analysis of the existing system was, described here, the method  used in acts finding is discussed, organization structure is represented pictorially objectives, analysis, the informational flow diagram and  the problem of the existing system are explicitly discussed in conjunction with new system justification.

CHAPTER FOUR:  Design of the system the output specification and input specification and design are expressed here. File design, procedure and system flow charts are represented with a pictorial diagram the required hardware and software for the new system.

CHAPTER FIVE:  implementation, the implementation of the new system is very vital and was implemented on the bases of a designed program pseudo code source and test run.

CHAPTER SIX: Documentation in order to use this package effectively and efficiently this work is divided into various steps on how to get started. Procedures and quitting exiting from the software system.

CHAPTER SEVEN: Recommendation and conclusion this chapter concerns the summary of the study of their problems and suggestions for further studies.


Chapter one


  1. Statement of problem  
  2. Purpose of study
  3.  Aims and objectives
  4. Delimitations
  5. Limitation
  6.  Definition of term



Literature review


Description and analysis of the existing system

  1. Analysis of the existing system
  2.  Fact –finding method used
  3. Objectives of the existing system
  4. Problems of the existing system
  5. Justification of the new system


4.1     Design of the new system

4.2     Output specification and design

4.3     Input specification and design file design

4.5     Procedure chart

4.6     System requirements



  1. Program design
  2. Pseudo code



  1. The user documentation
  2. The programmer documentation


  1. Recommendation
  2. Conclusion


Source code




          It has become a normal thing for us as citizens of a country like Nigeria to wait for, the president to release the year national budgets, but very little of us even know what the budget actually means.

          A budget  is an estimate or plan of income and expenditure that helps most companies, country and organizations in taking care of projects mapped out annual. For this reason it is of importance that there should be a reliable system is a process of capital budget system. A good automated capital budget system is a process of breaking the whole budget into separate units or parts with the sole aim of identifying and stuffing the structure of each part of the budget, so that the budget would be error, free, and in case of error provide possible solutions to them.


           A look at a brief history of the how comes of budget. In January 1993 the African concord newspaper stated the budgets started in Britain when the then king asked for reports on the income and expenditure of the country in order to check fraudulent activities of their government, this was as a result of the countries growing population inability of those in charge to specify a given project at a given place and time, uncompleted project which were paid for and complaints laid by citizens of Britain were all the things that brought about the need for budgets.

          In other-word a budget helps managers manage and it can be said that having a budget has more advantages then it has any disadvantages.   

However, the fact remains that that not withstanding the care planning and execution of an organization’s budgets in Nigeria, the target are still hardly met by any one organization while most budget even end up not being implemented at all. This work therefore, attempts to take a look at the methods adopted for budgets analysis or would be likely adopted for budgets analysis in an. Organization like the Enugu State ministry of finance.  


          It is easy to note that automated capital budget system entails large volume of work and a whole lot calculation. This make the job very difficult a task to go by the method of information storage and retrieval processing of accumulated figures is not an easy task in places were there are no sophisticated method of capital budget.

Inefficient and insufficient records will always result to a poor and inaccurate budget. The fact that humans cant tackle the ambiguous calculations and complex allocation involved in capital budget easily without the help from computer this is a delay factor for the releasing of an accurate budget statement. This work will look into reasons why many budget ends not to work and my case study will be the Enugu Ministry of Finance and I will also try to derive a good computer system that will take care of these problems.


Automated capital budget system is very important with our everyday life as it is also very important for us as humans to have a daily budgets which guides our spending so also it is important at the end of the day to give an account of such spending which is in order ward an analysis of our expenditure. This is an important move for every organization. For an organization to survive it must plan ahead the amount it will receive and how it will allocate the money to different departments of such an organization and how such money should be spent. This is budgeting and the analysis is just a step to make sure it works. Hence this automated capital budget system should be of immense importance to government, institutions and even individuals.

For government organization like the given case study, this work could serve as an eye opener to them by carefully exposing that problems inherent in budgets analysis and recommending the solution this would help them to avoid wasteful spending through budgets deficits.

To private organization or companies this would also be of immense help use to them as they adjust themselves to the defect of economy by careful planning execution. To individuals and share holder in companies this work similar to this on embarked by other researchers.


          The main objective of this study is to have an overview or may be even an in so the company and government organization budget system in Nigeria using the Enugu State ministry of finance as our bridge to other organization while other sub objective include.

  1. To consider the method adopted by the ministry of finance on budgeting.
  2. To check and determine their approaches to budgets analysis from 1998-2004.
  3. To finding out if all budget targets have been meet during the above stated period.
  4. To determine the problems usually faced by the organization in managing their finances.
  5. To make adequate finding and necessary recommendations after analyzing their budget by checking the system between the period of 1998 to 2004.
  6. To design a new system that will take care of the above problems and lastly set up a sample budget for future use.
    1.         DELIMITATION

The project work covers area in automated capital budget system, this includes braking down of budget into units. Identifying and studying the structure and allocation of money to each department in the organization.


          Frequently, where budget are coordinated are complied some modifications are need individually. My limitation in this work would be the bureaucratic system of government which we use here in Nigeria as most of my work would be based on assumptions, cause on visiting my case study almost no one was ready for questions to help me in my work and I was frequently asked for appointment letter and referred from one person to the other for answers to my questions. Budget segments may appear reasonable in the light of committed and planned work, but when the individual segment are superimposed to make a composite picture the total budget found be of keeping with expectation.


Budget:  This is an estimate or plan of income and expenditure that are made annually by the government in charge of revenue.

AUTOMATED CAPITAL BUDGET SYSTEM:  This is the process of breaking the whole budgets into separate units or parts with the sole aim of identifying and studying the structure of each part of the budget so that we can detect errors, and possible solutions to such errors.

BUDGET ALLOCATION: The final and official approval of budget proposals from different ministries and department, which will be contained in the budget statement, which is the complained budget after analysis mad public by broadcasting it.

AUDITING: Checking financial accuracy of the budget, making sure it is error free.

FILE: An organized collection of information or related fields.

COMPUTERIZATION : The process of replacing manual way of doing things with machine most call it modification.

Program: A set of instruction combined together to make meaning, and is usually a command to a computer system to carry out.

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