Isolation And Performance Evaluation Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae From On Palm Wine (Elaels Guinneensis) At Different Temperature Of Proofing During Bread Making
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Isolation And Performance Evaluation Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae From On Palm Wine (Elaels Guinneensis) At Different Temperature Of Proofing During Bread Making
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from the fermenting sap of flaeis guinneensis. The yeast isolate was used in dough proofing at different temperatures. The samples B, C, D, E, and F, (containing the same ingredients) were leavened at 200 c, 250 c, 300  c and 40 c respectively. Similarly, sample A which served as the contol was leavened at 30c. the following proof heights were recorded 3.3cm, 1.9 cm, 23cm, 3.5cm, 3.6cm and 2.5cm respectively for the proofing period, samples D and E compared favourably with the control which has a proof height of 3.3cm. The bread height, weight , volume and the specific volume was recorded sensory evaluation was carried on the samples for taste, appearance, texture flavour and overall acceptability. Turkeys test was in the samples. Result of the sensory evaluation showed that samples D ranked favourably with the control in all quality attributes tested at (D < 0.05). The other samples were different from the control in all the sensory attributed tested for A proofing temperature of 300c using the isolate was recommended for bread making in other to achieve the desired bread quality.




1.0Introduction                                                                            1

1.01Palm wine                                                                      1

1.02Composition of palm wine                                            2

1.03Yeast                                                                             3

1.04Bread                                                                                       6

1.41Aims and objective                                                        8


Literature Review                                                          10

2.1     Bread Production                                                           10

2.2     Functions of the Ingredients In Bread Production                   12

2.3     Type of bread                                                                14

2.4     The procedures involved in bread production               16

2.5     Bread quality                                                                 17

2.6     Palm wine (elaeis quinn eensis)                                               18

2.7     General characteristcs of saccharomyces cerevisiae                20

2.8     Characteristics of bakers yeast                                                22

2.9     Pure culture isolation and cultivation                                      24


Materials and methods                                                            25

3.1     Equipments                                                                             26

3.2     Raw materials                                                                26

3.3     Sources of material                                                        27

34      Preparation of medium                                                  27

3.5     Isolation of yeast species                                                         28

3.6     Characterization and test for viability of yeast              28

3.7     Production of starter culture                                          29

3.8     Preparation of yeast paste                                             30

3.9     Bread production                                                                    30

3.10   Quality test                                                                    33


Results and discussion                                                            35

4.1     Characteristics of yeast on malt

         extract nutrient medium                                                           35

4.2     Identification of yeast isolate                                         35

4.3     Dough leavening ability                                                 37

4. 4    The volume, weight, height and specific

volume of the samples                                                   39

4.5     Sensory evaluation                                                        40


Conclusion and Recommendation                                           42

5.1     Conclusion                                                                     42

5.2     Recommendations                                                                   42

          Reference                                                                       43

Appendix 1                                                                    46




1.1     PALM WINE


Palm wine is a milky alcoholic beverage produced from the inflorescence of palm tree it is the most widely used and cherished natural traditional alcoholic beverage especial in the southern part of Nigeria, and is the juice of the oil paolm ( Elacis guinneensis) and raffia palm ( Rapia hooker) ( Ihekoronye and Ngoddy 1985).

A milky juice containing initially well over 13% sucrose is collected in the calabash which is hung at the base of the incision of the inflorescence of palm tree soon after leaving the tree, yeast spares, especially those of Saccharomyces cerevisias  infect the  juice and soon start to ferment the fermentable sugar.

Palm wine can be consumed as an alcoholic beverage. It could be allowed to ferment and subsequently distilled into gin it could also be used for the leavening of dough for bread making ( Somiari and Udoh 1993).

The use of palm wine and as a leavening agent for dough is attributed to the presence of a yeast strain contained in the palm sap. This yeast strain is saccharomyces cerevisiaem or baking yeast is called in the bakery industry.

Palm wine when fresh, tastes like ginger bear and can be used as like yeast ( Irvine 1961). Initially, the sap is sweet, dirty brown in colour. The fermentation process results in the sap becoming milky white in appearance. This is due to the presence of large number of fermenting bacteria and yeast.

Fermentation occurs between 36 – 38 hr period during which PH of sap falls from 7.0 –7.2 to < 4. (Jay 1986).




Palm wine has the average alcoholic content of 2.00 percent to 4. 69 percent. The sugary syrup, which is dirty brown in colour contains about 10 – 12 % sugar mainly sucrose.

Studies made by faparusi et al1986 found the following genera of bacteria to be the most predominant in finished produced Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus and Acetobacter. The predominate yeast found are Saccharomyces  and Candida spp with the former being the more common.


1.3     YEAST (saccharomyces cerevisiae)


Yeast is a unicellular micro-organism and fungus type. It makes possible many of the products made by bakers. This is because various types of bread and certain other bakery precuts are leavened (raised) by yeast. Many of them produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as waste products of their metabolism. They are therefore useful in the food industry for fermentation and aeration.

Yeast usually used in the temperate region for baking are carefully selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is a simple chlorophyll – free plant which feeds on sugar in the batter or dough to produce carbon dioxide (Kotshever 1980). By enzyme action, it converts fermentable sugars and some of the starch present in the dough into carbon-dioxide gas and alcohol and provides desirable controlled fermentation (Sultan 1982).

The discovery of the use of yeast to leaven bread centuries ago lead to the growth of bakery industry. Bakers used brewers yeast till about 80 –1000 years ago due to its performance in the bakery which was low and variable. The isolation of a special yeast strain which possessed the desired characteristic needed, brought about revolutionary changes in the bakery industry. This strain is known as saccharomyces cerevisiae or otherwise “ bakers” yeast in the form of cakes of compressed fresh yeast cell, with moisture content of about 70%.



Since the yeast cell is a living organism, it has numerous nutritional needs and it is only if these are met that it will grow vigorously and produce a large quantity of carbon dioxide. Food and moisture are needed for this growth.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae  differs from other yeast species. It has more aerobic growth habit, maximum yielding capability stability during storage. It is usually derived from special selection of fast growing (short generation time) naturally occurring yeast strains ( Oyawoye and Bassey 1997) .

The plant grow best at the temkperature between 80 – 900 cooler temperatures retards their growth and a temperature as high as 1110 F kills the plant within an hour 1400 F destroy them within 5 minutes.




This principle involved in dough leavening is based on the utilization of the carbohydrate by the ‘bakers’ yeas to give out carbon dioxide entrapped in the dough. As the yeast multiply in the dough, fermenting at room temperature. More and more carbon-dioxide is produced and the dough expanse because of the pressure of gas. This yeast activity is destroyed during baking at the temperature of 1400 F.

          Bakers yeast is useful chiefly in three different ways.

1.TESTURE FORMATION: They produce carbon dioxides gas, which leavens or raises the dough, giving the bread the desired loose porous texture.

2.INCREASE OF DOUGH VOLUME: The use of bakers yest as a leavening agent help to achieve great great increase in volume and make a wide variety of baked products. This means that it is no longer a necessity to rely on egg white foam to encompass enough air 

FLAVOUR PRODUCTION: Bakers yeast is reported to contribute to the flavour of bread and other yeast leavened products. During dough 

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