Analysis Of Contamination Of Alasa River In Burutu Local Government Area Of Delta
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Analysis Of Contamination Of Alasa River In Burutu Local Government Area Of Delta
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          Water sample were collected along these river at various location, and were studied. The parameters determined were P4, temperature, conductivity, total hardness, alkalinity, ca hardness, maghardwen Cation (Pb2+ Fe2+ Cu2+) were also determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (DDS).

          From the analysis showed that PH ranges from 6.10 – 6.80 temperature from 63.10 us/cm - - 63.90 us/cm-1 while were hardness 6.00mgk – 6.60mgk alkalinity rages from 7.00 – 9.00 Ph2+ ranges from 0.2mgk – 0.16mgk CU2+ ranges from 0.01mgk – 0.03mgk Fe2+ ranges from 0023mgk – 0.23mgk Nl2+ ranges from 0.11mgk – 0.70mgk.

          The result of the analysis revealed that the sample are soft and would leather easily with water.




  1. Introduction                                                                   1

1.1     Statement of problem                                                    2

  1. Objective                                                                        2
  2. Limitation                                                                      2
  3. Hypothesis                                                                              2


  1. Literature Review                                                                    3

2.1     Effluent                                                                          6

  1. Effluent Quality                                                             7
  2. Type of Pollution                                                                    8
  3. Classification of Water Pollution                                   9
  4. Effects of Water Pollution                                             11
  5. Quality Criteria                                                              15
  6. Portable Water Standard                                                         16
  7. Storage and Preservation of Water Sample                             18


  1. Materials and Method                                                    23     

CHAPTER FOUR                          

  1. Results                                                                       28     


  1. Conclusion/Recommendation                                        33

Reference                                                                       34






Water is one the most abundant substance in nature. It was previously considered to be an element, not until Canvendish proved it to be a compound consisting of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 2:1 by volume.

Water covers approximately three quarters of the entire surface, but in spite of this apparent abundance, several factors have limited the amount of water available for human use.

It is of fundamental importance to all kinds of plants and animals and therefore to man. It is of equal importance with the air we breath in maintaining the vital process necessary for life and growth. But since it is not every available, its provision has form the earliest part of villages and town to the places where water supply exist.

          Water is a vital commodity to industries for process field stock (reacting raw materials) solvent compound and cooling process. It is distributed in many forms such as rain water, spring water, sea water and water.




The oil industries along this river discharge their waste sample into the Aleasa river, this effluent posses environmental hazards when disposed by the industries into water bodies, thereby causing effect on the life of the people. 




The objective is to determine the nature of the pollutant and its quantitative concentration level.




A detail study of this work should have been carried out, but to the following factors there is limitation in the work. The factors include: (a) finance (b) time (c) non-availability of equipment to carry out most of the test (d) chemical to be used in carrying out most of the test.




          It is assured that the rate of water borne diseases among the people living along this Aleasa River, is as a result of polluted water caused by effluents waste products from the industries.






          Man’s prime need in his environment is water and wherever a number of people live together in a community a supply of portable water is required. The liquid and solid wasters from such community if not disposed off in a manner, can render the surrounding unpleasant and unhealthy Excreta contamination of drinking water leads inevitably to a vicious circle of internal disorder of increasing magnitude. In primitive civilization the remedy to pollution problems was to more the community to exploit site but in more advanced communities, this solution becomes impracticable. Water can thus be considered as the most important raw material of civilization, since without water, man can not live and industries can not operate. The concept of water as a natural resources is essential, as growing populations and industrial developments demand over increasing supply of water.

          Water quality control has a large history and archeological investigation. In the middle and for East have revealed towns with sewer systems built several thousand years. Be the Romans constructed great aqueducts and sewers, for city of Rome at the time of Christ, but rest of Europe little was done to promote public health and improve the environment for many centuries. In England attempts were made by Richard ii in 1388, and Henry viii in 1531 to prevent water pollution due to cesspool discharges. Although the larger towns were provided with sewage’s there were intended  purely for the conveyance of surface water and discharge into them. Domestic wasted was expressly forbidden until 1815. In 1847 a Law was passed to discharge cesspool wasted to sewers which had disastrous results for the inhabitants of London in particular London’s sewers drained to the themes from which much of the cities water was obtained, and because of the age and poor state of pair of many of the sewers their content leaked into the water bearing strata which was the other main source of water. As a result water supply became increasingly contaminated by sewage, the theme became most objectionable to sight and smell and a series of cholera outbreak eventually demonstrated the connect between diseases such as cholera and typhoid and polluted drinking water.

          The broad street pump out break of 1854, in which there were 10,000 cholera deaths in a population of 2.5 million, provided conclusive evidence of the concoction, it was not until 1870 that water borne diseases in London came under control following completion of the first great public health Engineering work of modern times, the construction of new sewers by Bazalgette and abstraction of water from Jeddmgton upstream of the polluted reaches of the themes.

          Condition similar to those which existed in London  were found in other parts of the world following the great expansion of Urban communities during the industrial revolution only by continued attention to effluent prevention and water quality has it been possible to virtually banish water borne disease from developed countries. The battle is by no means over, however, and such diseases are still rampant in many part of the world. It is measure of the problem to be faced in developing countries that in such areas five million babies died every year from water borne diseases and one in six of the worlds population suffer annually from water borne diseases. At the present time world health organisation (WHO) surveys show that some 86% of the rural population in developing countries are without reasonable access to safe water such is the growth of population in these area that the percentage of people without satistatory water will actually increase in the future unless considerable funds are made available to permit the construction of new facilities in heavily industrialized countries demand for water can only be satisfied by accepting some degree of re-use as a principle of water conservation continued vigilance and the application of advance technology will be essential to over come the problem inherent in the re-use of water.



The term effluent means waste discharge into the environment, pollution as it affects the environmental quality is the release into the environment of substances and energy in quantities which are detrimental to man and other living organisms. The environment here comprises of air, landscape i.e soil and bodies of water stream, river and others. There must be evidence that due to man’s activities, there has been release into the body of water which then changes the water quantity parameter and that such changes are adverse to the beneficial use of water such body of water Issaid to be polluted.

According to B.Afodeke and E.Jekanem (1996) thus water pollution could be defined as the presence of substance which at a particular level of concentration exhibit a toxicological effects on man and other living organisms. It could also be taken to mean the change of natural quality parameters of water through the presence of addition, such additions are called pollutants.  This pollutants may be defined as substances present in environment at a concentration such that it causes harm or disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem.

The source of pollution may be divided into three categories, human natural sources and other category. The corollary pollutants the natural source include lots of debris and gases such as oxides nitrogen, sulphides thrown out during volcanic eruption. The wind is also a source of pollutants as its blows dust and soil dirt. Forest fire started by Lighting, may, result in excessive soil erosion and thus flow into estuaries microbes may also affect environments thus constituting pollution.

The corollary pollutions are added directly to water by man but are the out come of human activities.



Effluent are to be treated before being discharged to receiving waters so that they do not contain the following 

  1. Hazardous Materials: In such concentration (quantities, concentrations, combinations) that are or may be of public health significance, may unduly impair beneficial uses of may be toxice or progressively or irreversibly harmful to wildlife.
  2. Toxic Substances: In such concentrates (concentration, quantities and combination) that may impair beneficial uses or cause progressive or irreversible adverse effect on wildlife.
  3. Oxygen Demanding Materials: In concentration that may result in an anaerobic condition in receiving waters.
  4. Excess Nutrient Concentration: (eg P, No3 – No2) that could cause visible algal growths or other nuisance aquatic growths that unduly impair beneficial uses of receiving waters.

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