The Family Instability, Its Effects, Causes And Solution
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The Family Instability, Its Effects, Causes And Solution
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1.0   INTRODUCTION                                                      1

1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                               1

1.2   STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM                             3

1.3   RESEARCH QUESTION                                           6

1.4   OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY                                    6     

1.5   SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY                                       7

1.6   DEFINITION OF CONCEPTS                                     9



2.1   REVIEW OF LITERATURE                                                12

2.2   LACK OF AFFECTION                                              18

2.3   THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK                                  25



3.1   RESEARCH DESIGN                                                        38

3.2   AREA OF THE STUDY                                              38

3.3   POPULATION OF THE STUDY                                  39   

3.4   SAMPLING METHOD                                               39

3.5   INSTRUMENT FOR DATA COLLECTION                  42

3.6   METHOD OF GATHERING DATA                             43

3.7   METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS                                 43   




4.1   DATA ANALYSIS                                                      45

4.2   DESCRIPTION OF RESPONDENTS                          47

4.3   ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH QUESTION                     70



5.1   DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS                                     72


RECOMMENDATION                                                       77


        BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                        84

        APPENDICES                                                           87



This study is specifically aimed at finding out the causes and effects of family instability in our homes and in the society at large, and consequently, attempt was also made at finding solutions to the problems.

Ugwuoba in Oji-river Local Government Area of Enugu State is used as a case study. Sixteen villages were involved while among them five villages were randomly sampled for research. The sample size considered of (3000) three hundred respondents. This involved men and women of marital status.

The researcher used the questionnaire method which contains information on twenty five items as the causes and effect of family instability in our homes and in the society. These were shared to the three hundred respondents by hand, however, only (250) two hundred and fifty respondents co-operated by way of completion of the questionnaire.

The researcher formulated a research question of five headings as the causes and the effects of family instability in our homes and in the society, these include:

  1. How does marital instability among couples lead to family instability?
  2. How does lack of courtship lead to family disorganization?
  3. To what extent does delinquent behaviour among children in the family contribute to family instability?
  4. What are the effects of family instability on the couples and children?
  5. What are the effects of family instability on the society at large?




Family has been defined by many authors Owoh (1994), defined it as a biosocial

group. He saw the family as both kinship group as well as a social group.

        The term family is also referred to as a group of two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption and residing together.

        In every society, we find a socially recognized unit, which is distinguished from all other groups in the society by the fact that it is the unit which is held primarily responsible by the society for

  1. Reproduction of members
  2. Maintenance of these new members during infancy and childhood.

Socialization of new members into the values and skills required for adequate role playing and the ability to make a living which are so necessary to independent adult functioning.

Usually, only one socially recognized type of unit in any society is expected to jointly serve these functions and the unit in any society that performs these activities the term family is assigned.

        The family is without question, the oldest human institution. It arose sometimes during the prehistoric experience of human kind and every society of which we have any knowledge has evidence of some form of family life. The family is truly a universal institution (Agene 1994) No society has managed to survive without it and the few that have tried have had to give up or face extinction.

        Some kinds of family organization exists in all human societies although its actual form may vary from one society to another. The family however is the smallest and the most personnel of all the social groups, it is also one of the most important. Since the regulation of sexual and parental functions which have their roots inn the biological nature of human beings is a prerequisite of social order, Wilkins (1996:137)

        However, many families suffer disorder because of many factor which militate against it. If family is stable, life will be fulfilling, complete, successful and peaceful, but if there is family disorganization, the life of the couples and children is threatened and consequently crippled, Anderson (1971) this stresses the need for family stability.

        Family stability engenders all round developing of the children and provides a fertile ground for peace and tranquility.

        Implicit in the study is that many families are turmoil. Some are caused by divorce. Children delinquency and poverty while some are caused by misunderstanding among family members, leading to quarrelling and incessant life.



        The need for family harmony cannot be stressed because it is necessary for the healthy growth and development of children and also contributes to the development of the society at large. However, some welfare department in Oji River local Government revealed that unhappy families abound in ugwuoba.This is shown by the number of cases of family problems handled  by the department as shown in table 1 cases of unstable families handled by the social welfare department in Ugwoba in Oji River Local Government include;

Table 1


No of cases












        Invariably, both the couples and children in such families are likely to be unhappy and subsequently retrogressive? The children brought up in such families will not be at ease and however will know no peace. This type of instability in the family will affect the children of the family adversely in various ways. Firstly, the children’s physical and psychological needs will not be properly taken care of and this will result to breeding delinquent and deviant children for the society.

        Thus if this trend is not reversed it will be detrimental to the family, children and the society at large. It is however proper to check the cankerworm inorder to prevent the ugly consequence that thrives with it.

        There is need for love, parental guidance and understanding in homes, for children to grow into useful adults that would be beneficial to the family and society. Unstable family cannot provide a fertile environment for the health development of children into useful adults. If homes is in disorder invariably proper training, parental care and in so doing, the project would sharpen teir awareness on the implications of family disorganization and therefore learn how a family could be successfully managed without friction on the part of the couples and the children.

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