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In the field of education & psychology, learning has been discovered all over the world to be a highly complex problem. Several researchers have tried to explain it differently and the description of each is partially true. Over the years, researches on factors that influence academic performance of students have attracted the interest of not only researchers but concern of teachers, counselors, psychologists,and school administrators as well. Study method is the knowledge and application of effective study skills or techniques by students. The term studyhabit refers to the way in which students’ study eithersystematically, efficiently or inefficiently. In line with what has been said above, we can deduce that good study habitwill definitely yield positive academic performances and achievement and alsoinefficient or poor study habit leads to academic failure.Students’attitude and study habit towards any subject hasbeen described as a function of passion coupled with their belief on that particular which has a long way to go on their academic performances.

In Nigeria, many factors have been highlighted to influencethe ability of students to cultivate effective andefficient study habit. Such factors include; state of health, motivation, anxiety and state of mind, conducive and suitable environment for studying, availability of textbooks and well equipped libraries. In a research carried out by (Nuthana&Yenagi,2009) the causesof poor academic performance among Nigeria students were thoroughly examined. In which some of these factors identified include; low student’s intellectual ability, achievement motivation, lack of goals, low self-esteem,low socio-economic status of the family, poverty and poor study habit as a major factor.

A survey was carried out in some selected schools in Nigeria to identify some major causes of low academic performances in students. Some of the problems identified includeinadequate teachers, problem ofinadequate facilities in the school, problems caused by poor parental background, unfavorable government policies and low educational sector funding (Ajilaand Olutola 2007). Likewise, Ichado (1998)also disputeenvironment from which the student comes from play a major role in influencing study habits which invariably affect academic performance. The concept of study habit is broad as it combinesnearly all other sub-topics under it such as studyattitude, study method, and study skill. In a research conducted by Allport (1960), it was argued that attitude toward study by drafting a good study pattern can greatly contribute to students’ academic performance.Successful learners all over the world are said to have adopted positive attitude towardsstudy and are time conscious over whatthey have to do.

According to Hussain(2000) study habit refers to predispositions whichstudents have developed towards private readingsthrough a period of time. According to him, studyhabitis a gateway to successfulachievement in studies.

A research was carried out byMorahan (1999), he foundout that male and female have different ways of studying (study habit). In this study, he discovered that the male student took up courses that have more of logic and scienceswhile female student were attracted to simplercourses and such it is in line with their passion which require different study habit and might have a positive effect on academic performance of students. Positive academic performance and achievement depends upon the student’s ability to schedulehis time, the plan of his study, the habit of concentration, note –taking, mental review,over learning, the judicious application of whole and part method massed anddistributed learning and so on. In other words, positive academic performance is a function ofproper study habits and skills.Since study habits arean important factor in learning, it becomes necessary to investigate into its nature.


The problemsassociated with study habits might have a major effect on a student’s academic performances, it is believed that everyone has a different study habit and it is important to findout the best personal way to study. Studying with friends has a long way to go in student’s study habits, it has a positive influence in which they discuss what have been read together but also has a negative effect in which they might not read but discuss throughout the stipulated time for reading which boils down to time wastage.

A very good and conducive environment encourages students study habit and might have positive impact of their academic achievements but students reading in an unfavorable environment might find it difficult to study which might affect their academic achievements. Students with financial constraints might also find it difficult to perform excellently well in their academics


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To examine the correlation between study habit and academic performance
  2. To examine the effect of study environment on study habit
  3. To determine factors affecting students’ study habit and academic performance
  1. What is the correlation between study habit and academic performance?
  2. What is the effect of study environment on study habit?
  3. What are the factors affecting students’ study habit and academic performance?

Hypothesis 1

HO: There is no significant relationship between study habit and academic performance.

HA: There is significant relationship between study habits and academic performance.

Hypothesis 2

HO: There is no significant relationship between study environment and students’ academic performance.

HA: There is significant relationship between study environment and students’ academic performance.


The following are the significance of this study:

  1. The outcome of this study will help students in understanding the effect on study habit and study environment on their academic performance and helps in serving as a guide for a positive result.
  2. This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.

This study on the impact of study habit on academic performance of students will cover various approaches to study and its effect on the academic performance of students.

Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.


Study: application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation or reflection

Habit: an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

Performance: the accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed

Students: a person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college

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