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ABSTRACT: This study is carried out in order to examine the effect of indiscipline on the academic performance of secondary school student in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. it also examines the meaning of indiscipline and some of the causes of indiscipline among students. It further entails the roles of parents, school, society or community and the individuals can play to prevent indiscipline among students in secondary schools. A research sample of 100 students were used from selected schools for the study while the collection of data was based on questionnaire comprising of 17 questions using the “Yes or No” formats. Furthermore, the researcher provided some useful recommendations in dealing with undiscipline students while suggestions for further research were given.  

Chapter One –


Background of the study

Statement of the study

Purpose of the study


Significance of the study

Scope/delimitation of the study

Definition of terms

Chapter Two – Literature Review   

The concept of indiscipline

Types of indiscipline

Causes of indiscipline

Chapter Three-research Methodology

Research design

Population of the study

Sample and sampling techniques

Research instrument

Administration of research instrument

Method of data analysis

Chapter Four-data analysis and Presentation

Chapter Five- Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation










       Indiscipline is an act of misbehavior or lack of self control. The aim of any society is to educate its citizens. This is as a result of the fact that every society accords to members great importance. Nowadays children constitute the leaders of tomorrow. There is the deliberate systematic planned attempt to inculcate in them approved behaviour, skills, habits, attitudes and values and prohibit among the Nigerian youths be it in secondary school or tertiary school. the effect of indiscipline is manifested in all works of life including the smooth running of school. the types of education both formal and informal give to them is therefore a synthesis of what make for constructive development of the society and the child the most significant institutions that see to the proper development of the child, hence the success at school is of major importance to the immediate family and societies at large.     

       The child academic achievement which is affected by the nature of their background, the bedrock of informal education at the school, the place for formal education of the child is that of building up the child socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually to enable him fit into the fabric of the society to which they belongs. Indiscipline has alarmed the various actions of our society including the government, parents, of today no longer stay at home to look after the children, this may be as a result of the non-challant attitude of some parents and the quest for money. Since these children are not cared for properly, some may not be willing to go to school and these set of youth or people create problems for the parents as well as the society. On the other hand the parents ones attending school may not perform well in terms of academic because of non availability of materials, funds etc. a child whose parents are illiterate and poor is likely not to perform well in examination in the first place they are likely to have many brothers and sisters and this result in the matter of survival of the fittest been required to help out on the farm or in the market in order to be assured of his basic needs. The education of the youths is very essential in order to ensure loyalty of the citizen, a system must stimulate the spirit of patriotism and lay solid foundation for national understanding and tolerance in our children national policy of education stated that the purpose of education as follows; to create a good society where all its members can use their intelligence and moral resources, at their disposal to develop all the natural resources within the environment in pursuit of the set of goals and objectives, Castle (2001) opined that his principles of education for teachers state that one of the major problem facing Nigeria society today is lack of national progressive the family as agent of socialization could have significant impact on the child. This is evident from the fact that it is the first place, which the child learns about the environment and the word at large, parent inculcate in the child their acquire behavioural pattern. Parents who feels less concern about their children by going to work very early and coming late when their children are already at sleep all this has a way of redrawing progress of work. This means that the school should be able to produce discipline pupils who will later become good citizens are free from any undisciplined act, on many occasions nowadays, the student will refuse to obey their teachers, making noise, walking and forming social groups in the same class where lecturer is going on. Experience has shows that secondary and higher education are built upon for instance secondary schools students who exhibited such behaviour have such act traced to their secondary school days. With this it became necessary to undertake a study towards the effect of indiscipline background can pupils academic performance in schools.          


       Parents believes that the standard of education has fallen. These parents have failed to realize that the ability of their children to perform well academically is greatly affected by home background. Thus, this project work is aimed at investigating whether the home background has affect on students performance in school consequently, the following question will be looked into:

  1. How does the level of education qualification of parents affect the academic achievement of their children?
  2. What are the effects of marital status of parents or public performance in school
  3.  How does the income of parents affect the academic performance of students?
  4. How does the socio-economic status of parents affect the academic performance of students? 


       The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of student’s academic performance in school. The goals is to show whether the socio-economic status of parents affect the academic performance of their children. In a bid to look into this, the researcher will find suggestion as to how some of these home problem that militates against students poor performance academically can be solved. It is also hoped that this study will assist future researcher to conduct research on the same or similar topic.  


  1. There is no significant difference between the educational qualifications of parents on students academic performance.
  2. There is no significant difference between the socio-economic statuses on student’s academic performance.  
  3. There is no significant difference between the marital status of parents on students academic performance.
  4. There is no significant difference between of income of parents on academic performance of students. 


This study will be of great importance to educational planners in designing school programmes, such programmes can help the disadvantages peer thereby improving the standard of education in the country. This will enable the parents to have insight into the behaviour and needs of their children, the findings will also enable teachers, educators, school administrators, curriculum specialist to plan ways and means of meeting the needs of children from different home background. This will serves as a challenge to parents and guidance, counsellors to improve the condition at home. It will also motivate the ministry of education to provide stimulating materials as well as necessary textbooks and equipment for effective teaching and learning, this study tends to reveal factors that enhance the progress of the child at school.  


       For the purpose of achieving a high degree of effectiveness of the study, the researcher has limited the study of some selected junior secondary schools in GWAGWALADA AREA COUNCIL or Nigeria generally some school are well endowed with amenities may be due to their long existence of people administrating the affair of the schools. While other suffers inadequate because they are still young is based on the cause and  effect of indiscipline among students in public secondary  schools in gwagwalada area council.


       This study is supposed to have produced comprehensive and more significant finding if the researchers have sampled all the secondary schools in gwagwalada area council, but due to the time and financial constraint coupled with number of schools in the Council Area of the state the researcher was unable to carryout extensive research. 


Indiscipline: lack of discipline or restrain

Discipline: In its original sense, discipline is referred to systematic instruction given to a disciples to train them as students in a craft.

Socio-Economic Status: This determines the level of general care, diet and level of education children from high socio-economic homes are likely and have good food and good education compared to children from socio-economic homes.

Academic Performance/Achievement: This term will be used interchangeably in the project work, there they refer only to the scores or grade obtained by students in examination.

Educated Parent: Parents that have undergone system and training and instruction through formal education.

Social Class: A level in the society made up of people who considered themselves equal due to the similarities in family background, level of education, occupation and attitude towards social class issues.

Cause: a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.

Data: Fact things certainly known and from which conclusion are drawn.

Respondent: Those who give answer to question asked. Questioned this means some discovered facts that are likely to hold but not proven.

Question this means some discovered fact that are likely to hold but not proven.

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