A Statistical Analysis On The Spread And Control Of Aids In Enugu Metropolis (A Case Study Of Unth)
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A Statistical Analysis On The Spread And Control Of Aids In Enugu Metropolis (A Case Study Of Unth)
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ABSTRACT: This report presents the result of a study on the spread and control of AIDs in Enugu Metropolis, a case study of UNTH Enugu. The data obtained from the AIDs/SDs control unit of UNTH Enugu showed that the unit specifically selected as screening unit submitted her statistics. Here the researcher hopes to study why people give lukewarm attitudes and responses toward the disease.  Also to find the sex more at danger and the rate at which the disease infects people. Like any other work, it is made up of five chapters which is as follows:

-        Chapter one comprises of background of study, introduction, statement of the problem, purpose of study, research, and question research hypothesis.

-        Chapter two takes into account the review of past work done on a similar topic.

-        Chapter three is the research methodology, source of data, and the tools for analysis of the data was discussed.

-        Chapter four is the analysis of the data using the stated tools in chapter three so as to achieve the stated objectives of the research.

          Finally, chapter five is the last chapter and it discusses the summary, the finding and recommendation.




1.0     introduction

  1. statement of problem
  2. purpose of study
  3. research question
  4. research hypothesis


  1. Literature Review


Research methodology

  1. Source of data
  2. Problem encountered during data collection
  3. Scope of analysis
  4. Method Of Analysis


4.1     Analysis of Data


  1. Findings and conclusion
  2. Recommendation




          HIV can be defined as Human Immune Virus while AIDs itself is the Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome.  The HIV virus is transmitted through the exchange of body fluids.  HIV/AIDs is abundantly found in 3 major body fluids: Blood, Semen and Vaginal secretions.  It can also be found in minute qualifying in saliva and breast milk.  HIV/AIDs can enter another person when the blood, semen or vaginal secretion of an infected person comes in contact with the blood or mucous membrane of an uninfected person.  Any break in the skin, sore or inflammation of the penis, vagina, rectum, bleeding gum, lips or mouth makes it easier for HIV/AIDs to be contracted.  There is also a risk of contracting HIV/AIDs can pass it to be child during pregnancy childbirth or breastfeeding.  Some people also get HIV/AIDs when they receive blood that is not tested in Hospital.  HIV/AIDs can be passed when people share things that may have infected blood on them.  These include needles, razors and other sharp objects.


          When the virus enters the human body, it attacks and weakens the body’s immune system.  Our blood contains white and red blood cells.  Normally the white blood (soldiers) cells fights off and kills germs which enter our body.  They do this by eating up the germs and by producing chemicals called antibodies which kill them.  In this way other body fights off many different germs and we stay healthy.  Sometimes we have symptoms of illness, when our white blood cells help us fight off the infection, we get better.  But in this case, the HIV weakens this immune system by entering ad finally destroying the white blood cells.  As more and more white blood cells are killed, the body becomes less and less able to fight off the many different germs which live outside, around and in our bodies all the time.

HIV/AIDs can also attack the brain cell and nervous system directly causing mental and coordination problems.

People who are infected with HIV can look and feel healthy.  However, they can infect other people no matter how healthy they seem.


Rose did not believe AIDs was real.  She was a young woman who had many boy friends and often had sex without using condoms.

Soon after she turned 26 years old she become sick then died.  The doctor said Rose died of AIDs.

Sunday, a thirty – year old man with many girl friends often had sex without using condoms.  A year after marriage, his wife gave birth to a baby boy.  The child was always sick and then died before his first birthday.  The doctor said he died of AIDs six months after his child’s death, Sunday and his wife become sick.  Sunday and his wife will soon die of AIDs.


Unexplained rapid weight loss greater than 10% of body weight.

Persistent or recurrent fever that last for more than one month.

  • Chronic or intermittent diarrhea that last for more than one month (on and off all the time)
  • Cough that last for more than one month
  • Itchy skin rashes
  • Cold sores all over the body
  • Thrush in the mouth and throat
  • Swollen glands at two or more sites (Excluding the groin) for more than 3 months
  • Persistent serve fatigue]
  • Night sweet
  • Loss of appetite


No, AIDs has not cure but it is preventable.  There is presently no vaccine for HIV infection.


  • Abstain from sex
  • Be faithful to one sexual partner maintain mutual fidelity between uninfected partners
  • Avoid casual sex:      However, if you must have casual sex, use condom.
  • Receive only screened blood
  • Avoid using or sharing unsterilised skill piercing instrument.
  • HIV infected mother should be counseled and allowed to make an informed choice as to whether they want to get pregnant because of the risk of transmission to the unborn child.

Remember AIDs is deadly.  It can be an exceedingly painful way to die.


          HIV is a retrovirus, a member of the centivirine subfamily.  Members of this family induced immune deficiency and are characterized by a long period of latent infection.

          The smallest of all diseased – producing micro-organisms are the viruses.  It is only a virus that can reproduce within the living cell of a host organisms.  Actually a particular virus is responsible for a particular disease.  The moment a virus finds its way into a cell, one or three things may happen.  The white blood cells fight against viruses in the human body, and thus the body is said to have natural immunity (against a particular virus).  For HIV, there is no natural immunity against it.  It is a virus with quite a complex biology.

          The primary mechanism of pathogen of the virus is the incapacitation of the hosts defense through the selective infection and destruction of T4 cells and mononuclear cells, which form the bedrock of the hosts immunity.

Following infection with HIV the virus of ten replicates abundantly and free virus appears in the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord and in the blood stream.  Then, within a few weeks, the amount of the virus in circulation and the cerebrospinal fluid drips precipitously and the initial symptoms – like fever, rashes, neurological complaints, etc disappears yet the virus is still present in the T4 lymphocytes as well as in the other classes of immune cells.  There is no ‘dormant’ phase of  the virus infection from 2 – 10 years after the start of this asymptotic period, replication of HIV flares again and the infection enters its final stage.

          The infection by HIV is followed by the production of HIV antibodies, which can be detected in blood test.  Since detecting the virus, itself is extremely difficult testing for HIV antibodies is now the standard way of finding out if a person is a HIV carrier.

          AIDs is not a single disease, but rather a spectrum of diseases.  Caused by the same virus, HIV, but giving rise to various clinical manifestation probably reflects the kind of immune deficiency in the particular patients, and determined largely by the opportunistic organisms which ‘cash in’ on the profound cellular, and in some cases, immune deficiency which invariably result from HIV infection.

          Following primary infection with HIV, a period of 6 – 8 weeks elapses before “scroconversion” takes place.  Viral replication occurs, and virus is widely disseminated throughout the body for about 8 – 12 weeks, and the lymphoid organs become seeded.  Scroconversion is often accompanied by a prodrome that include mild fever, fatigue, lassitude, weight loss, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, chronic diarrhea, white patches on the tongue and transient lymphadenopathy.  All these are self-limiting and disappear after a short period of time.  Since the AIDs virus behaves unpredictably in an infected person, within a period of 2 – 15 years your definite AIDs syndromes may accompanying seroconvension, namely: AIDs related complex, (ARC), persistence – generalized lymphadanopathy (PGL), full blown, AIDs and probably, AIDS dementia (Complex).  Weight loss, diarrheas, and fever predominate.

          However, some patients may present no symptoms at all, but rather, remain a source of infection to other people through shedding of the virus.  AIDs progression is faster and follows a more aggressive course in children than adults because of their immature immune system.  The period between primary infection with HIV and the first appearance of clinical disease is usually very long in adults averaging about 10 years within 2 – 3 years diagnosis, an Aids patients is eventually very likely to die.

          The end is surely a must – death.


          To determine if HIV/AIDs is independent of sex.


  • How many people are infected with HIV/AIDs, using UNTH Enugu
  • How is the HIV/AIDs scourge affecting the population and its work force with economy
  • Is there any achievement so far in curtailing the HIV/AIDs pandemic in Enugu
  • What are the innovation approaches towards the HIV/AIDs pandemic and is the number of HIV/AIDs victims increasing or decreasing


H0:     Rate of occurrence in male is independent to that of females

H1:     Rate of occurrence in male is not independent to that of females

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