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          Thirty ripe mango fruits were plucked under sterile conditions from different geographical locations in Enugu metropolis.  The mango fruits were exposed to open environment for 5 – 7 days to allow decay.  The decaying mango fruits were washed with sterile water to extract the microorganisms.

Using the streak plate method, the microorganisms were inoculated unto a petridish of nutrient agar and incubated for 24 hours at room temperature of 250C.        A mixture of bacteria, moulds and yeasts were observed as microorganism involved in the decay of the mango fruits.




1.0     Introduction                                                                                      1

  1. Background of the study                                                                   1
  2. Aims/Objectives                                                                      6
  3. Statement of Problem                                                              7
  4. Hypothesis                                                                              7
  5. Justification                                                                                      7
  6. Limitations                                                                              7


2.0     Literature Review                                                                    8

  1. Cultivation                                                                              8
  2. Climatic Soil Requirements                                                     12
  3. Breeding and Selection                                                            13
  4. Countries and their variety of mango fruits                                      15
  5. Harvesting                                                                               16
  6. Nutritional Information                                                           17
  7. Prevention and Management of Spoilage of mango fruits.                20


  1. Materials                                                                                 21

3.1     Data Collection                                                                       22

  1. Procedure                                                                                22
  2. Morphological and Colonial                                                    23


4.0     Results                                                                                    25

4.1     Discussion                                                                               27


5.0     Conclusion/Recommendation                                                  28

          References                                                                               29






          The bacterial name of mango is mangifere indica.  T he genus mangifera belongs to the family ariocardiaceae.  It is a dicotyledonous plant.  Mango originated in India spread into cultivation and common use in the Indian subcontinent by 2000B.C.  The tree is now found through out the tropics and has become naturalized in many areas out side its country of origin.  Mango is so important in Indian where annual production is around 8 million.  Mangoes spread throughout southeast Asia during the first millennium B.C but did not reach Africa until about 1,000 years ago.  They were introduced to the new world at the beginning of the eighteenth century.  There are no defined limits of rainfall necessary for the successful cultivation of mangoes, provides that there is a distinct annual dry season when the crop flowers.  First set tends to be least in very wet, humid areas and irrigation may be necessary in areas with little rainfall.  Similarly, the crop will grow in a wide range of temperatures, but thrives when the temperature is around 250C.  A very large number of cultiuvars is recognized, the best of them being those which have been selected for their delicious, delicately flavoured fruits whave very little fibre in their flesh.  All such superior cultivars are propagated vegetative by budding, but there eve unfortunately many inferior mangoes grown from seed which have coarse, fibrous fruits often thought to taste of turpentine.  There are around 60 species in the genus mangifera, most of them found in southeast Asia, from northern India to new Guinea, where they occur as tree in the savannas and in the lowland, wet forests several species have edible fruits and a few are cultivated in restricted areas in Asia, but only mangifera indica is wide spread and important.


          The mango tree is large, spreading evergreen, sometimes having a distinct crown of branches, but often indeterminate shape with long pendulous branches and no definite crown.  Many vegetatively propagated clones eve relatively small, compact trees about iom tall, where as trees grown from seed may be very large and up to 40m high.  All mangoes are ranowned for the dense shade which they cast in hot, sunny climates.  The alternate, simple leaves are 12 – 40cm long carried on petioles up to 10cm long with gulvinus at their base.  The tree grows in flushes in which a number of thin, flaccid tan – red coloured leaves in produced; as they mature the leaves become stiff and dark green.  These periodic growth flushes do not occur at regular intervals, nor do they necessarily occur all over a single tree at the same time.  The inflorescence is a terminal panicle 10 – 50cm long with three or four orders of branching and a very variable number (1,000 – 6000) of reddish, pink or almost white flowers.  As few as 1 – 35 percent of them are hermaphrodite, the rest are made; both kinds of flowers occur in one inflorescence, but the ratio of males to hermaphrodites varies between cultivars.  Hermaphrodite flowers have a dicidous calyx and four to five free petals about twice as long as the cadyx lobes.  At the center of the flower a raised disc carries fives stamens, but only one (rarely more) has a sterile and represented by staminodes.  A small greenish yellow, one – called ovary arises obliquely from the disc; it has a lateral style and contains a single pendulous ovule.  The male flowers are similar but have no gyn

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