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ABSTRACT: Beef is the fleshy part of the cattle that is fit for consumption.  It can be cooked or modified in several ways for consumption and it contributes to the nourishment of the body. This work demonstrated the microbial examination of bacteria on beef sold in Artisan market in Enugu Metropolis.  In this work, 3 sets of beef samples were used and they comprise of beef bought in the morning, afternoon and evening from different beef sellers in the same market.  The beef samples used for the examination were first homogenized, centrifuged and the supernatants were collected and were used to prepare ten fold serial dilutions.  After that the fifth and sixth samples were used to inoculate on nutrient agar and Macconkey agar and incubated at 370C for 24 hours.  The bacterial coloures were counted and identified and the following organisms were isolated; Shigella species Salmonella species, Escherichia Coli, Bacillus species, Staphylococcus species and Proteins species.  These were found to be present due to some factors which include long term exposure to air, unhygienic handling of he beef, dirty water used in washing the beef, dirty utensils used like knives and even environment.



Introduction                                                                            1

1.1     background information                                                1

1.2     Aims and Objective of the Study                         3

1.3     Statement of Problem                                           4

1.4     Justification of the Study                                               5

  1. Limitation Of The Study                                                6


Literature of review                                                       7

2.1        types of beef                                                     7

  1. Uses And Importance Of Beef                             8

  2. Source Of Bacterial Contamination                     9

  3. bacteria associated with beef                                12

  4. Stages Of Bacterial Growth                                 13

  5. Stages Of Bacterial Growth                                 14

  6. Factors Affecting Bacteria Activity In Beef                   16

  7. Pathogen City Of Bacteria                                   19

  8. Beef Hygiene Practice/Preventive Measures                   20

  9. Storage And Preservation Of Beef                       22

  10. Assessment Of Bacterial Number,

Growth And Activity In Beef                                         24


  1.           Methodology                                              25

3.1              materials                                                     25

  1. Culturing Technique                                             28

  2. Biochemical Tests For Identification Of Bacteria 31


Result and discussion                                                          35

4.1 result                                                                    35

4.2 Discussion                                                           42


Conclusion and recommendation                               47     

5.1 Conclusion                                                           47

  1. Recommendations                                                         48

References                                                                  52

Appendix                                                                   56




          Beef is defined as the flesh of cattle which are suitable for consumption.  It can also be defined as meat from full grown cattle about 2 years old.  Beef is one of the most nutrious food used for human consumption (Horace and Gracey, 1974).  It is an excellent source of high protein (20%).  It also comprises of large a mount of minerals, fats (5%).  Vitamins water (59%) and carbohydrate (2.3%) which sewes as a source of energy to man (Ihekoronye and Ngoddy 1975, Lawrie 1974 and Terrel 1971).   However, a small amount of beef can greatly improve a meal as the protein supplement the vegetable protein (Ikeme 1990).  The beef is also used today for the production of many edible products to  satisfy the apepetite of man.  This is done by modifying them with such procedures as grinding, chopping, addition of seasoning and heat treatment to produce some products like gala, meat-pie, sausage, cored beef, hot dog suya etc.  Also beef support growth and help in the repair and replacement of worn out tissues in the body (Terrel 1971).  Some countries of the world like the European Union, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and United States of America export beef to improve their economy (Simpson and Farris, 1982).  It has been discovered by researchers that beef play pathogenic roles in man due to its contamination with bacteria and other microorganisms (Forest et al, 1975).  Some sources of contamination of beef include the knife      that is used for slaughtering of the beef, water used for washing the carasses, manure, feed, soil, equipments used for the processing of beef, transportation equipment etc.  Improper hygiene by handlers can also be a source of contamination.  Also through the source named above introduced from the skin while the main blood vessels are being severed.  Bleeding itself lead to bacteriamia and to infection of the livestock tissue (Forrest et al 1975).  Considering the internal sources of contamination, this is a situation where the bacteria found in different parts of he livestocks as normal flora and pathogenic agents (disease agents) can cause contamination of the beef during processing (Frazier and Westerhoff, 1978).  The growth of bacteria in the beef after contamination has different stages which include the lag, exponential, stationary and death phases.  Also some of the factors that influence the growth of these bacteria or bacterial activities in the beef include the following: Moisture content, PH, Oxidation reduction potential, nutritive value relative humidity, presence or absence of oxygen (aerobic or anaerobic), temperature, personnel’s and physical forms of beef (forest et al 1975) these facilitate contamination of beef, beef spoilage and intoxication occurs thereby causing diseases to man which include gastrointestinal upsets, vomiting, nausea, headache etc (Lawrie 1974, Ihekoronye and Ngoddy 1986). Some of the bacterial genera in beef include Psendomous Clastridium species, Escherichia coli, Proteins Micrococcus, Alkaligens, Flavobacterium, Sareina, Staphylococcus aureus Shigella species, Kelbsiela species etc (Frazier and Westerhoff 1978, Lawrie 1974 and Hobbs 1968)


This work is aimed at the microbial examination of bacteria found in beef sold in Artisan market, Enugu Metropolis.

The specific objectives of the study include the following.

1.       To identify the possible bacteria found in beef sold in Artisan market in Enugu Metropolis

2.       To isolate the pathogenic bacteria in the beef sold in the same market

3.     &

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