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Our country, Nigeria is more of a capitalist state and everyone in his kind of business wants to maximize profit. By the way of negligence of the ethical standards, some advertisers, regardless of the decency, truthfulness and social values which advertising upholds stick to unethical advertising practice, thus, causing loss of lives, discomfort, and dissatisfaction to the consumers of some goods and services. In the words of Ifedayo Daramola (1999)

“a number of advertisements carried by Nigerian newspapers, radio and television are illegal and libelous; while some contain malice”

This work has been structured in five chapters to make an ideal project. Chapter one embodies background of the study, which deals on advertising in its entirely. The chapter two of this work, made an indepth review of related literatures. These literatures bother on enhancing social responsibility through advertising, the power of persuasive communication in advertising, factors affecting buying behaviour, the theoretical framework and measures to enhance ethical standards in advertising practice. The third chapter covers the methodology with which the study is carried on. In this regard, the sample survey technique was chosen. The technique evaluated the description of research population, sample and sampling techniques, instrument of data collection, techniques of data collection and limitations of the methodology. In chapter four, the presentation and interpretation of data collected is done. This is based on description of data according to its relevance to a given research question. Also, discussion and interpretation of results are carefully made.






Title page:        =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      i

Approval page: =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      ii

Dedication:      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      iii

Acknowledgements: =      =      =      =      =      =      =      iv-v

Table of contents:    =      =      =      =      =      =      =     

Abstract:  =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =     


  1. Background of the study: =      =      =      =      =      1

1.2.  Statement of the Problems:      =      =      =      =      =      15

1.3.  Objectives of the study:    =      =      =      =      =     16

1.4.  Significance of the study: =      =      =      =      =      16

1.5.  Research questions: =      =      =      =      =      =      17

1.6.  Research hypotheses:      =      =      =      =      =      =      18

1.7.  Conceptually and operational definitions:       =      =      =      19

1.8.  Scope and limitations of the study: =      =      =      =      24

1.9.  Assumptions of the study:       =      =      =      =      =      26

       References:       =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      27


2.1.  Sources of related literature:    =      =      =      =      =      28

2.2.  The review:      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      29   

2.2.1. Enhancing social responsibility through advertising:    =      29

2.2.2. The power of persuasive communication in advertising:  =     40

2.2.3. Factors affecting buying behaviour:       =      =      =      43

2.3.  Theoretical framework: social responsibility:   =      =      53

2.2.4. Measures to enhance ethical standards in advertising:         55

2.4.  Summary of the literature review:    =      =      =      =      64-66

        References:      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      67-69


3.1.  Description of the research population:   =      =      =      71

3.2.  Sample and sampling techniques:   =      =      =      =      71

3.3.  Instruments of data collection:        =      =      =      =      72

3.4.  Techniques of data analysis and presentation:        =      =      73

3.5.  Limitations of the methodology:       =      =      =      =      74

        References:      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      75


4.1.  Data analysis and presentation:      =      =      =      =      76

4.1.1. Why do some advertisers neglect the ethics of

advertising practice? : =      =      =      =      =      =      79

4.1.2.          What effects have unethical advertising practice caused?:=       83

4.1.3. Has APCON stipulated any measures to

curb illegal advertising?:  =      =      =      =      =      89

4.1.4. Does advertising lack professional application?:    =      91

4.1.5. Why are the media involved in promoting

unethical/illegal advertising?: =      =      =      =      =      92

4.2.  Discussion and interpretation of results: =      =      =    94-100


5.1.  Summary:        =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      101

5.2.  Conclusion:     =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =      103

5.3.  Recommendations, General recommendations, Recommendations for vitafoam company and Recommendations for future studies:  =      =      =    105-110

         Bibliography:  =      =      =      =      =      =      =    111-114

        Appendix:        =      =      =      =      =      =      =      =







Advertising as a concept, can be defined as a form of communication through the media about product, services, ideas, personalities or organizations, paid for by an identified sponsor writer Alide in Okunna (2002: 99).

Bovee and Arens (1985) gave a more widely accepted definition of advertising as the non-personal communication of information, usually paid for any usually persuasive in nature about products (goods and services) or ideas by an identified sponsor through various media. It is an exciting, dynamic, and challenging enterprise. Its often a persuasive communication in that it tries to persuade the reader, the listener or the viewer to take to the sponsor’s own point of view and also to take some appropriate action. It is not personal or face to face communication, rather it is directed to a group of people.

Advertising is also controlled, identifiable information and persuasion by means of mass communication media. Defined by Wright and Zeight (1982:10).

Gillran Dyer says that in its simplest sense, the word “advertising” means drawing attention to something or notifying or informing somebody of something.

According to the understanding of Advertising practitioners council of Nigeria (APCON) “advertising is a form of communication through the media about products, services or ideas, paid for by an identified sponsor”.

The terms advertising was coined from the Latin word “advertere” which mean literally means to draw attention. This is when you are getting the evidence mind in a product, notifying or informing somebody/people of something. There is no doubt that advertising has brought prosperity to different countries of the world through different means. It has helped in speeding up the introduction of new inventions and has most importantly widened markets for mass-produced goods and services. Consumers of industrial goods and service and all over the world today enjoy the choice of a wide variety of such goods and services.


Advertising has also been of immense benefit humanity and has contributed in no

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